Always and Forever 14

Monday, May 14, 2018

Diabetes And Homeopathy Treatment

Diabetes is a silent killer disease. After diagnosis must be controlled the sugar level in the body and treated as well under the advises by physician and principals of medical science, and must not be ignored,otherwise it is very harmful for human body.

Diabetic person should use any treatment to control blood sugar level. Homeopathy is a best medical system to keep blood sugar level control.This is not only best but is also more cheap than other medical system.

Best Homeomorphic Treatment and Remedies For Diabetes


 Should not be neglected in this disease. No remedy has dryness of the lips as a symptom of hepatic disorder more marked than Bryonia, and this is often one of the first symptom of diabetes. There is a persistent bitter taste, the patient is languid, morose and dispirited, thirst may not be extreme nor the appetite voracious, the patient may lose strength through inability to eat. Podophyllum has a bitter taste, but the tongue is flabby. It may be of use in the disease. Chionanthus is a remedy used by the Eclectic School upon the indications of thirst, frequent and copious urine; constipation with stools light colored, devoid of bile. Functional liver disorders. Argentum metallicum. Hahnemann suggests the use of this remedy in diuresis, it is decided use in diabetes insipidus. The urine is profuse, turbid and of sweet odor. Micturition is frequent and copious. Natrum sulphuricum. Hinsdale reports good results with this remedy. It has polyuria, intense itching of the skin, especially upon the upper surface of the thighs. It is the Tissue Remedy of diabetes.

Uranium nitrate 

 This remedy is praised highly by Hughes and others in diabetes originating in dyspepsia. It has polyuria, polydypsia, dryness of the mouth and skin. It causes sugar in the urine. Dr. Laning said that no remedy gives such universally good results; it lessens the sugar and quantity of the urine; he recommended the 3X trituration. It is when the disease is due to assimilative derangements that Uranium is the remedy, and symptoms such as defective digestion, languor, debility and much sugar in the urine, enormous appetite and thirst, yet the patient continues to emaciate. Syzygium jambolanum is a remedy capable of diminishing the amount of sugar in the urine, especially when used in the tincture and lower triturations, and some cases have been reported cured, but it cannot be considered a reliable drug , and its use seems entirely palliative.


 Useful in diabetes and pancreatic diseases, especially in those of a tuberculous or gouty diathesis. The pancreatic involvement will call attention to Phosphorus. Natrum sulphuricum corresponds to the hydrogenoid constitution, with dry mouth and throat,and Arsenicum should be studied in diabetic gangrene, thirst and emaciation. Sudden and extreme dryness of the mouth and marked physical restlessness are also guiding symptoms to this remedy, especially with a dark watery stool. Dr. P.Jousset reports positive success where the mouth is dry; frequent, abundant urination and tendency to skin eruption.

Phosphoric acid 

 corresponds to diabetes of nervous origin; the urine is increased, perhaps milky in color and containing much sugar. It suits cases due to grief, worriment and anxiety, those who are indifferent and apathetic, poor in mental and physical force. It is unquestionably curative of diabetes mellitus in the early stages, great debility and bruised feeling in the muscles. There will be loss of appetite, sometimes unquenchable thirst and perhaps the patient will be troubled with boils. When patients pass large quantities of pale colorless urine or where there is much phosphatic deposit in the urine it is the remedy. It thus may be a remedy in the form known as diabetes insipidus. Hering considered Plumbum one of the most important remedies in diabetes mellitus. Causticum, Scilla and Strophanthus may be of use in diabetes insipidus. Lycopodium cured a case in a weary, wretched patient; emaciated, increased appetite and great thirst; pale, profuse urine. Eight quarts in 24 hours.

An exceedingly good remedy in the gastrohepatic variety of diabetes and good results often follow its use. It has a fine clinical record. The symptoms are: urinates copiously and freely, urine light yellow and saccharine, thirst, nausea, debility, voracious appetite and costive bowels. Dry skin, dry tongue, gastralgia. Acetic acid is also a valuable diabetic remedy, and it has passing of large quantities of pale urine, intense thirst, hot, dry skin and marked debility Carbolic acid may also be found useful.


 Long before the discovery of Insulin Dr.Pierre Jousset of Paris prepared a pancreatic juice on a glycerine basis which he administered to diabetic patients in doses of 10 or 20 drops a day in water and had results sufficiently good to consider pancreatic juice, orally administered, as a remedy of great value in diabetes. Dr. Cartier, his practical successor, praised it insisted on smaller doses given by mouth as larger doses and hypodermic injections of it had no effect in ordinary diabetes. Baker advises the homeopathic strengths of Insulin 3d to 30th and reports happy results therefrom. Great care must be taken not to overdose. Boericke says that it maintains the blood sugar at a normal level and the urine remains free of sugar. Epileptic convulsions and mental derangements have been produced by hypodermic use of this hormone.

Homeopathic Remedy and doses for diabetes

1) Acidum Phosphoricum Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in 
 first week. Mixing with half of a glass of water)
 (2) Gymnema sylvestra Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6 
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in 
 second week. Mixing with half of a glass of water)
 (3) Arsenicum bromatum Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in 
 third week. Mixing with half of a glass of water) 
 (4) Syzygium Jambos Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in 
 fourth week. Mixing with half of a glass of water)
 (5) Rhus aromaticum Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in 
 fifth week. Mixing with half of a glass of water)
 (6) Murex purpurea Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops morning and 
 afternoon in sixth week. Mixing with half of a glass of 
 (7) Sanicula Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily in 
 seventh week. Mixing with half of a glass of water)
 (8) Helonias Dioica Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops morning and 
 afternoon in eighth week. Mixing with half of a glass
 of water)
 (9) Calcarea Phosphorica Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily 
 in ninth week. Mixing with half of a glass of water)
 (10) Uranium nitricum Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily 
 in tenth week. Mixing with half of a glass of water) 
 (11) Iodium Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6
 (Take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 03 times daily 
 in eleventh week. Mixing with half of a glass of water. 
 Now start taking from no. 1 medicine in similar rules.)

Monday, April 23, 2018

Namaqz a Wonderfull Sulution For Verious Problems

Namaz a wonderful solution for psychological problems

After fourteen centuries everyone is admitting Islamic believes and thoughts. On every aspect of Islamic ideas and thoughts, investigation and research is being done in search departments. Authenticity of every aspect of Islamic teachings is proving true. In modern age it is discovered that best solution and treatment method for mental problems is Namaz (Islamic prayer).Psychiatrists have been searching and thinking for long times on this matter, that what is the best solution for mental problems.Now they have knew the secret of this problems and its treatment.Since fourteen centuries Namaz (Islamic Prayer) is such prayer that make Muslim better than other.

Namaz (Islamic prayer) The Best Solution of 
Mental Depression   

The mental problems are a big problem for Humanity in modern age.The only one way to avoid  them is that such spiritual and healing rays should transfer inside the man who provide spiritual and mental peace to man.Such spiritual rays only can get from Allah Taala,s prayers like Namaz (Islamic prayer). We can overcome on most of diseases like depression and anxiety through Namaz (Islamic prayer). If we pray with meditation and Humility, these diseases can end permanently. Suicide appetence disappear from mental level.  

                                       An Exercise

An Exercise


Exercises for mental patients like Namaz 
(Islamic prayer)   

All Islamic prayers are not only prayers but they are Allah,s gifts.After fourteen centuries the scientists are searching on Islamic teachings and prayers and admiring these teachings.
In a modern hospital in London,England to provide mental calmness to mental patients ,they were waked early in the morning and asked them some exercises like Namaz method.From theses exercises most patients who were suffering for long period began to healing only after some weeks.           

Psychiatrists Conference in Egypt

In Egypt a Psychiatrists Conference took place.From Arabic and and European countries attended the conference.All Psychiatrists agreed there on this point that there is impossible better treatment than Namaz (Islamic prayer) for mental problems.

Dr,Usama Muhammad Razi from Saudi Arabia from Kingdom Saudi Arabia read a article in which he proved that best and successful treatment of psychological problems is Namaz (Islamic prayer). By whom the hearts become satisfy by regular performing Namaz (Islamic prayer). It is proved through observation and experiments.