Always and Forever 14

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Cure Diabetes By Diet

شوگر کا علاج بالغذا اور کھانے کی احتیاطی تدابیر

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شوگر کے مریض عمومی طور پر کھانے کی چیزوں کی احتیاط کے بارے میں کافی کنفیوز رہتے ہیں۔ ان پرھیزوں کے ساتھ ، ساتھ اگر میتھی دانہ، کلونجی کا استعمال کریں تو آپ کی شوگر جڑ سے ختم ہو جائے گی۔اس پوسٹ میں احتیاطی تدا بیرکےساتھ کچھ ٹپس بھی ھیں۔ اگر آپ مستقل مزاجی سےیوزکر لیں تو اس کے نتائج ناقابل یقین ھیں۔ آپکو میتھی دانہ، کلونجی اور اجوائن کسی بھی پنسار سٹور سے مل جائے گا۔
ان کو اچھی طرح صاف کر لیں ۔ روزانہ صبح آدھا چائے کا چمچ میتھی دانہ نہار اسی طرح ایک چوتھائی چائے کا چمچ کلونجی روزانہ شام کویا ڈنر سے دو گھنٹےپہلےایک گلاس پانی کے ساتھ کھا لیں ( گرائنڈ نہیں کرنا ثابت استعمال کریں) اور ساتھ میں آپ یہ گھریلو نسخہ بھی استعمال کریں۔


کلونجی 100گرام، تخم سرس 100 گرام، گوند کیکر 100گرام،خشک تمبہ25گرام

یہ نسخہ نہیات مجرب اور مستند ھے۔ باریک پیس لیں اور صبح شام غذا کے 30منٹ بعد ایک چوتھائی چمچ پانی سے لیں۔غذائی احتیاط لازم کریں۔ لگاتار استعمال سے آپکا گلوکوزلیول نارمل ہو جائے اور لبلبہ ری ایکٹیو ہو جائے گا اور جسم میں انسولین خودبخود بننے لگے گی۔

وائٹ بریڈ ، نان ، ریفائنز وِد آٹا پروسیس کیا ہوا نشاستہ یا سفید پروسیس شدہ آٹا یا میدے سے بنی ہوئی چیزیں ۔ جیسے کیک ، وائٹ بریڈ ، نان وغیرہ آپ کے بلڈ گلو کوز لیول کو بہت متاثر کرتے ہیں ۔ پولِشدوائٹ رائس وائٹ رائس جو عمومی ہمارے گھروں میں پکتے ہیں ڈائبٹیز کے مریض کے لیے نقصان دہ ہو سکتے ہیں ۔

آلو کبھی کھبار تو ٹھیک ہے جیسے کے ہمارے گھروں میں سالن وغیرہ میں پک جاتے ہیں لیکن اسکا زیادہ یا لگا تار استعمال آپ کے بلڈ گلوکوز لیول سے کافی چھیڑ چھاڑ کر سکتا ہے ۔ کیونکہ اس میں موجود لمبی جنیاتی گلوکوز چین آپ کے جسم میں بہت دیر سے حل پذیر ہوتی ہے ۔ فروٹ جوسز تیار شدہ جوس کولڈرنک ، انرجی ڈرنک کا استعمال بلکل بھی نہ کریں

کِشمِش یہ مزے دار چیز آپ کے بلڈ گلوکوز لیول کو فوری تیز کر سکتی ہے ۔جو فروٹ / غذا آپ کھا سکتے ہیں

Image result for ‫جامن‬‎

جامن کھانے سے نہ صرف بلڈ گلوکوز لیمول بہتر ہو گا بلکہ ہر وقت خشک رہنے والے منہ اور بار بار پیاس کی حاجت سے چھٹکارا بھی مل جاتا ہے ۔ سیب آپ کی انسولین لیول کو بر قرار رکھتا ہے ہر دوسرے دن ایک سیب کھانا نہایت مفید ہے ۔

Image result for ‫سٹرابری‬‎

روزانہ چار سے پانچ پیس سٹرابری کھانا آپ کی صحت کے لیے مفید ہے۔ناشپاتی بھی ڈائبٹیز کے مریض با آسانی کھا سکتے ہیںلال آٹے کی روٹی کھائی جا سکتی ہے۔ مچھلی اور دیسی /مرغی تھوڑی مقدار میں مٹن کا سالن / شوربا استعمال کر سکتے ہیں۔پالک ، ساگ ، مٹر ، پیٹھا ۔،شلجم وغیرہ کھاسکتے ہیں یہ تھوڑی سی غذائی تبدیلی آپ کو بہت تیزی سے تندرستی کی طرف لے جا ئے گی انشااللہ۔

Khajoor ke fawaid in urdu(Advantages of Dates)

Khajoor ke fawaid in urdu(Advantages of Dates).

Wonderfully sweet, dates are one of the most popular fruits of Arabian Peninsula. The benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia, sexual dysfunctions, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions. Dates also help in healthy weight gain. They are rich in several vitamins, minerals, and fiber. These delicious fruits contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium, which are all beneficial for health. Some health specialists have said that eating one date per day is necessary for a balanced and healthy diet.


Khajoor Ke Tibbi Faidy

Dates Benefits ( Khajoor Ke Beshumar Tibbi Faidy ) in urdu

Khajoor Ke Beshumar Tibbi Faidy

Pumpkin Medical and Diet Benefits

  Pumpkin,Health Scientific Point Of View

In our society usually proteins bearer diets are considered best diets like meat and milk and and all vegetables and grains are considered low diets.In fact all diets are great gifts of Allah (God).All such nutrient parts are found in every group of vegetables and fruits their balance usage is necessary for body growth.Pumpkin is one of vegetables who keeps in it countless medical qualities beside its good taste. Pumpkin normalize the body temperature and also useful in fever. Pumpkin is a heat lowering vegetable in summer. We can reduce thirst,s severity in summer through pumpkins eating.Pumpkin is useful in stomach acidity and provide power to heart and brain.Cooked pumpkin on low heat is really natural tonic. Nutritionist have discovered in pumpkin many mineral and vegetable salts.The pumpkin is treasure of a lot of mineral salts like Calcium,Potassium,Iron,Vitamin-A and Vitamin-B.
Pumpkin Nutrition Facts

(1 cup cooked, boiled, drained, without salt)
Calories 49
Protein 2 grams
Carbohydrate 12 grams
Dietary Fiber 3 grams
Calcium 37 mg
Iron 1.4 mg
Magnesium 22 mg
Potassium 564 mg
Zinc 1 mg
Selenium .50 mg
Vitamin C 12 mg
Niacin 1 mg
Folate 21 mcg
Vitamin A 2650 IU
Vitamin E 3 mg

Pumpkin nutrition details

Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene)

The fruit contains some of the highest amounts of beta-carotene which the body converts into vitamin A. This vitamin has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Research has established that vitamin A promotes the health of lungs and reduces the risk of lung cancer. It also helps to prevent emphysema which stems from cigarette smoking or pollutants in the workplace and environment. Emphysema hinders respiratory functions and causes breathlessness. Vitamin A can help to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the body. Oxidized cholesterol accumulates in blood vessels and forms plaque which increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. Regular consumption of pumpkin can improve your cardiovascular health. The anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit can also help to reduce severity of symptoms if you suffer from asthma or arthritis.

B Vitamins

Folate (vitamin B9) in pumpkin can support your health in various ways. It helps to break down homocysteine, which is a dangerous by-product of metabolism. Homocysteine has the capacity to damage blood vessel walls which increases the risk of heart attack. Plenty of folate in the diet can help lower homcysteine levels and support the health of your heart. Folate has also been found helpful in protecting colon cells. Pumpkin is a good item in the diet if you want to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Vitamin C

The fruit has a powerful antioxidant capacity due to the high content of vitamin C. This helps to boost your immunity. Common infections such as earache, sore throat, colds and the flu need n’t trouble you as much when pumpkin is regularly included in the diet.


Pumpkin and gram grain recipes is not a tasty but a powerful diet for hard worker persons.


Split Bengal Gram 1/2 cup

Bottle Gourd(peeled) 1/2 small

Salt to taste

Turmeric Powder 1/2 tsp

Cumin Seeds 1/2 tsp

Green Chillies(chopped) 2

 Asafoetida pinch

 Red Chili powder 1/2 tsp

Coriander Powder 2 tsp
Tomatoes(chopped) 2 medium

Garam Masala Powder 1/2 tsp

Sugar 1/4 tsp

Lemon Juice 2 tsp

Coriander Leaves 2 tbsp

Cooking Directions
gram grain in 1 and half cups of water for an hour.Drain.

gram grain and lauki with salt, turmeric powder and 3 cups of water till done.

Mash lightly with back of a rounded spoon and mix well.Set aside.

Take a non stick pan.Add cumin seeds, green chillies and asafoetida cook for a minutes.

Add red chili powder, coriander powder & 2 tbsp of water till fragrant.

Add tomatoes and cook till this soften. Add cook 
gram grain & stir to mix.

Add garam masala powder, sugar and more salt if necessary.Simmer for 2 minutes.

Add lemon juice and stir.Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot.

By mixing meat and spices i n this recipe not only its taste become better but its effectiveness increased.

According to the Tibb e Nabvi its use with meat is most useful.

The pumpkin is a harm free vegetable.

Pumpkin Medical Tips
In meningitis the pumpkin is useful in meningitis 
Sesame oil 250 ml and Pumpkin water 250 ml.
Cook both things in copper part until all juice dried and only oil remained.Save this oil in bottle.In case of  meningitis massage this oil on head many times in a day and cover the head with hot bandage.This massage is useful not only useful in meningitis but also useful in headache and insomnia

Skin Problems

 Pumpkin seeds are an excellent food for improving your skin tone and for treating acne problems. The primary nutritional elements in the seeds that benefit our skin include zinc, selenium, essential fatty acids and vitamin E.That said, pumpkin seeds have a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and other health nutrients. 

Pumpkin seeds are high in essential fatty acids, necessary for skin to effectively retain good moisture levels. Without adequate levels of EFAs, young skin will start looking older earlier, as it dries out and loses its flexibility and tone. A diet high in essential fatty acids, especially omega-3s, can also help reduce the appearance of blackheads and acne outbreaks.

As beneficial as the seeds are for our skin, pumpkin seed oil is an even more concentrated version of all of the fatty acids and fat soluble nutrients that can help improve skin tone and treat acne and other problems.

Lowering  Hypertension

Pumpkin seed contains a number of anti-inflammatory fatty acids (principally gamma linolenic), anti-oxidant tocopherols and carotentoids and several potentially very interesting phytoestrogens

Pumpkin seeds can help reverse hypertension because they contain a high zinc value. Inadequate zinc can make your arteries lose elasticity, resulting in inflammation. For best results soak and then sprout your raw seeds (also known as pepitas). You can then add tamari or sea salt and dehydrate them for a delicious heart healthy snack.

Pumpkin has many ingredients known to lower hypertension especially magnesium. Magnesium helps transport calcium and potassium throughout the body and aids in nerve and muscle function.

A new aminal study just published in the Journal of Medicinal Food has shown that pumpkin seed oil can provide fully comparable antihypertensive benefits to standard medication.The study was a multi-departmental one conducted at Cairo University and compared the effects of pumpkin seed oil, the calcium channel blocker Amlodipine and control using a rat model.Being also a great source of potassium, iron, zinc and phosphorous.  
Pumpkin seed oil is full of phytoestrogens, which research shows are beneficial for preventing hypertension. Pumpkin dishes are usefull to keep blood pressure normal.

Pumpkin Ravioli
The use of pumpkin, instead of meat and cheese typically used in ravioli recipes, keeps this dish at 162 calories and 5 g of fat and 17mg of cholesterol per serving. It also contains 6g of protein, 102mg of calcium, 22g of carbohydrates, 2g of fiber, 2mg of iron and 505mg of sodium per serving.


1 cup canned pumpkin
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. black pepper
24 wonton wrappers
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 1/2 tbsps. unsalted butter
Chopped parsley


Combine 1 cup pumpkin, 1/3 cup Parmesan, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon black pepper.
Spoon about 2 teaspoons pumpkin mixture into center of each wonton wrapper.
Moisten edges of dough with water; bring 2 opposite sides together to form a triangle, pinching edges to seal.
Place ravioli into a large saucepan of boiling water with 1 teaspoon salt; cook 7 minutes, and drain in a colander.
Place 1/2 cup broth and 1 1/2 tablespoons butter in pan; bring to a boil. Add ravioli, tossing to coat. Sprinkle with parsley.

Boost Mood and Help You Sleep

Usually we talk about turkey when we think of tryptophan, which can make you feel sleepy. But turkey meat doesn’t actually have all that much of the amino acid. However, pumpkin seeds truly are a good source of tryptophan.

Your body uses tryptophan to help it produce the hormone serotonin. Of course, serotonin is known as the “happy hormone.” So eating pumpkin seeds could improve your mood.

You use serotonin to produce melatonin also known as the “sleep hormone.” Melatonin is important for developing a healthy, normal sleep cycle. In an article about the benefits of pumpkin seeds, Dr. Joseph Mercola suggests eating a handful of pumpkin seeds a few hours before you plan to go to bed. It could be a natural way to  help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Other pumpkin benefits

Toohache-Teethache is aunbearable pain and if anyone suffer from toothache, then no calm anywhere.The patient take many medicines to get rid from this pain.So in case of toothache test this herbal medicine.

Pumpkin pulp            50 grams    and     garlic             50 grams

Boil both things in 1 litter of water until pumpkin pulp half cooked.Gargle from this lukewarm water.This practice is useful for toothache. 

Dandruff-Dandruff is a common problem all over the world in these days.To get rid of problem many types of shampoo are used but in vain.Pumpkin oil is solution of this problem.Massage the head of this oil.This is very useful method to get rid dandruff.
2-Take one teaspoon of pumpkin oil in a glass of milk daily.This treatment not only end the dandruff but also useful to keep heart beat normal.

Pumpkin Prevent Cancer-Pumpkins contain compounds called cucurbitacins, which have been found to be effective at inhibiting the development and growth of cancerous tumors of the breast, colon, lung and central nervous system. Cucurbitacins offer the greatest protection against colon cancer. The oil in pumpkin seeds has also shown to be effective in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer. The high amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and carotenoids in pumpkins also offer protection against various forms of cancer.

Piles-God has kept the heal for disease like piles in pumkin,s scale .Take mupkin,s scales       according to need and dry them in shadow place.Make powder of these scales. In case of piles take this powder 5 to 10 grams with fresh water twice daily continueslly.This tip is not only usefull for piles but usefull for colic as well.

Constipation-The patients suffering from constipation for long time can get heal by eating the pumpkin.Pumkin dishes are useful in constipation.

 Eyes Effects- A cup of cooked, mashed pumpkin contains more than 200 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant that aids vision, particularly in dim light.  The gourd gets its bright orange color from the carotenoid beta-carotene, which the body converts into a form of vitamin A for additional eye protection.  Two other carotenoids found in pumpkin,lutein and zeaxanthin—also promote eye health and guard against macular degeneration.

 Anti-Inflammatory Effect- The beta-carotene in pumpkin seeds and flesh has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of pumpkin can protect against joint inflammation and arthritis. Pumpkins have been known to provide relief from inflammation quickly, without the harmful side effects of anti-inflammatory medicines.