Always and Forever 14

Friday, May 3, 2019

Origin of The Ultimate Remedy

Image result for Surah Al-Rahman Therapy for Healing Fatal Diseases

Origin of The Ultimate Remedy

Still today, the people of Islam can benefit themselves from Quran. A light and energy of the same density still exists but how to get it. Then came a very noble person of a notable Syed family, Makhdoom Syed Safdar Ali Bokhari who earlier had remarkable research on music and dhammal therapy.

Mr. Bokhari is known as Baba Bokhari through out his loving followers who strongly believe that he is the real torch bearer for the distracted and those desperately looking for light and guidance. Mr. Bokhari is a practical man who does not ask people to do any thing unless he does it practically. So he came out with a brilliant idea of curing all type of diseases through the "Quranic radiations".

He says, "every alphabet of Quran radiates, it generates light and energy in the heart and mind, provided it is listened with deeper concentration. He gave a practical demonstration and the results were fascinating. What he did? He purchased the audio cassette of Surrah "Al-Rehman" a recitation of Qari Abdul Basit Abdul Samad, then he gathered the people, advised them to close their eyes, asked to empty their mind and feel the presence of GOD. The cassette was then played and everyone listened to it till end with deeper concentration. The recitation ended, he asked the people to open their eyes, majority were weeping, a few looked absolutely stunned only tears could be seen coming out of their eyes like anything. Then he served every individual with a half glass of water and said, "Close your eyes go deep into your heart and then say "ALLAH" 3 times in the heart and then drink water with closed eyes." They did so when he asked to open the eyes every one looked relaxed and comfortable they had tasted a sweet water which in fact was a normal tap water but absolute concentration created harmony between soul and body all connected to almighty and cured with his blessings. Now the question was how to deliver this message to the entire Muslim community.

If it is practised like the above it will take years to convey the message but thanks to the technology which helped and the same idea for the betterment of mankind was given to Pakistan Television Corporation which instantly approved it and a pilot programme with the title "Al-Rehman" was made by the senior programme producer Syed Shakir Uzair who earlier had produced QASEEDAH-BURDHA SHARIF a programme which attracted millions of people and had the distinction to cure the most fatal of diseases, the paralysis, still people use this programme as a treatment for the paralysis.

The pilot programme was a beautiful one, giving a new dimension to the religious programmes, PTVC approved the pilot and the programme was launched in Jan-2001. The coming programmes were recorded in different hospitals, villages, cities and attracted the entire TV viewers. Each programme included different location and multiple expressions of the people. The Quranic radiation gave a new hope and life to the most dejected one. An e-mail account among with other telephone numbers were also given to the viewers for further contacts.

The entire experiment which was telecast covers more than 15000 people of various ages and suffering from different diseases. From the patient of headache to cancer, heart trouble and all type of physical disability were contacted treated and cured by the grace of the "ALLAH" all this happened on TV screen which really created a new hope and brought people out of absolute dejection.

The programme also included the expressions of the leading religious scholars from all over the country who added further flavour in the programme through multiple references defined in the Quran and Sunnah, the importance of Quranic radiation was highlighted.

While doing the experimentation in the hospitals, the doctors also became a part of it, many of them had remarkable feelings. I remember a doctor said, "we can suggest medicines not the remedy, "Shifa"" is from "ALLAH". The doctors also gave references of the "faith healing" concepts being practised all over the world. The programme clicked and indeed it was the need of the time. Many of the hospitals established sound system and started the recitation of "Al-Rehman". The results were astonishing, the frequency of patients reduced and curing ratio enhanced, the dejected one came into life.

The programme was telecast for 6 months on the national network and later shown on the prime TV Norway which covers a vast European population. The message is on, still people gather in different groups and get the benefit of the ultimate remedy.

The programme also included the message of its creator, Makhdoom Bokhari, "the whole sacred book, the Quran is "Shifa", I have taken Surrah "Al-Rehman" because it has great rhythm and the recitation of Qari Abdul Basit is very soothing and effective as he has recited from the deep of the heart". The one who recites and listen with deeper concentration does get the benefit, all you have to do is to feel its revelation in your heart. Always feel the presence of GOD, never be an ignorant.

Mr. Bokhari achieved what he had desired, a real service to mankind. A selfless human made worth of his life by giving a remarkable remedy to the sufferers and a guide line for the generations to follow. He did not charge a single penny from PTVC for his idea and research. He believes, "Money is like a snake, it bites you and generates anxiety and depression, once you become a victim to it you are deprived of the precious wealth, the peace of mind and heart. GOD says, "All the Muslims are brother of one another" so help your brother at the time of need. The prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W) said, "Choose only that thing for your brother which you prefer for your self". So Makhdoom Bokhari says, "When you are cured give this message to your fellow brothers, he might be needing it". This message is the continuity of the direction well defined in the last address of HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W).

Last Sermon of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

"Oh mankind; listen well. I may not be with you much longer, the weak among you feed them on what you eat, dress them as you are dressed. You will meet your GOD and he will call you to account for your action. Let those who are present warn those who are absent. You are all descendent from Adam and the best among you is he who most regards GOD. Think deeply of what I say, let all you feuds be abolished, you must know that every Muslim is the brother of every other Muslim and all Muslims are brother of one another, between Muslims their are no races and no tribes. You must not take anything from your brother except what is given freely. Do not oppress and do not be oppressed.

Oh my people I am but a man, it may be that the angel of death will visit me soon and death will overtake me. But I have left you a book, revealed by GOD, the Quran which is light and guidance". At the end he repeated to the people the final revelation of Quran, the seal and termination, not Mohammad's words but GOD's words, "This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favour to you and have choosen for you Islam as your religion."

What is The Ultimate Remedy?

"Rehman" , one of the most significant and dynamic characteristic of the almighty "ALLAH" who continues his blessings irrespective of our beliefs and sins. GOD spoke to man through his messengers who delivered his message for the betterment of mankind.

The greatest prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W.) said, "I'm leaving behind you a book, revealed by GOD The QURAN which is light and guidance". When we open this book it begins with Bismillah-Al-Rehman-Al-Rahim, in the name of ALLAH the most merciful and beneficent. This verse contains 3 important aspects;

(a) The real and ultimate name of GOD is ALLAH.
(b) ALLAH is very caring to the extent of infinity, there are no parameters to judge the level of his mercy and love.
(c) He has created this life and made a constitution for the creation to follow it so that the followers enjoy his mercy and love both here and life after death.

This particular verse was always given as a gift to every Prophet and when it revealed to Hazrat ESA (JESUS) GOD said, "Before you this verse was always given to prophets but now this verse will become a gift for the Ummah of my last and beloved prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W.)." And it happened like that not only this verse but 6666 sacred verses became a gift for the Ummah as the prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W.) said, "the QURAN is light and guidance". All the Muslims have been advised to recite this verse before initiating any work. Hazrat Suleman (A.S.) when did so, each time he conquered what he wished; look the power of this sacred verse, the name of ALLAH "AL-REHMAN". The entire life form demonstrates the continuous practical example of his mercy, care and concern. GOD created a couple, Adam and Eve to continue the process of mankind but while describing the level of his mercy and love he gave the example of mother but 70 times more than the love of a mother. Now see this universal truth of motherhood, it has remarkable similarity besides the difference of color beliefs and languages.

The feelings of motherhood is also a dynamic dimension of the Almighty. GOD said, "Man is the best creations" now when a child is born the feelings of motherhood are generated in that woman, who does so only the ultimate mother, the one and only" GOD. The mother loves her baby irrespective of color, face or any other thing, similarly ALLAH loves all his creation to the extent of superlative degree of liking." Man is the best creation".

A mother takes care of her baby in all respect ignoring all consequences, GOD knows all about the future but stands with his best creation, ignores man's various sins and keeps on guiding for a positive life. GOD advises all the mothers to follow the constitution, by doing so the power of the almighty will make there hearts like magnets of gigantic magnitude which surely breed positive approach in their children. GOD has attributed himself to a mother who is always there to help any one who seeks help, forgive any one who realizes and extends apology.

While living in a mortal world all what we required is the blessings of ALLAH. AL-Redman is the most redeeming aspect of his blessings. In the holy book of QURAN there is a full fledge Surrah "AL-REHMAN" in which he describes this particular characteristic of AL-REHMAN," it is only "Rehman" who created the entire form of life and universe, takes care of every one, teaches what human knows not, reveals the treasure beneath the water, gives the sense of command to control the sources and energies, breeds ideas in human minds to generate technology, gives wisdom to unfold the mysteries". In this particular Surrah"AL-REHMAN" GOD has graphically talked about his ultimate powers, the delicacy of his creation beyond human imagination and approach.

The entire message of the almighty was beautifully delivered by his beloved prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W.) and when he died many of his followers could not believe," how can such a man die" but HAZRAT ABU BAKAR SIDDIQUE (R.A) one of his best friend stood up in the mosque and defined the philosophy of mortality", If any one worships Mohammad let him know that Mohammad is dead but he who worships GOD let him know that GOD is alive and can not die".

The Prophet (S.A.W) spent his entire life in projecting the particular aspect of "surrender to GOD and humanity to man". Absolute submission is the key of success in both the worlds. Submission means to surrender to acknowledge someone as the most superior one and care for what he desires as QURAN says," Man and jinn are created to worship ALLAH".

Infact, worship breeds recognition of some one and when we concentrate in our heart and feels the presence of GOD, it generates fear and respect at the same time as the Holy Prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W) said", you are all descendent from Adam and the best among you is he who most regards GOD" Look the word regard, It projects fear of GOD, It means those who feel GOD NOT only around them but also in their hearts, GOD is always with them and they really enjoy his blessings which strongly eliminates negative thinking.

Islam has given us the best principles of life and the main emphasis is to generate positive thinking. The material world has deprived us of this precious blessing and the reckless and inhuman attitude has given birth to a unique negative approach which has entangled us in all type of mental, Physical and spiritual catastrophie. The most chronic diseases have captured our bodies and instead of seeking the blessings of ALLAH we are getting asylum in the antibiotics, ignoring the master and putting our lives in jeopardy. Restlessness, dissatisfaction, discontentment and dejection is taking control of our mind and heart. The stability and tranquility of life is vanishing what will be left nothing except, Savage and barbarian attitudes, killing and looting one another, ignoring absolutely all norms of Islamic ideology.

Such acts completely generate the most negative approach which create disharmony among the body and the soul. Now no medicine or any intellect can cure this evil except the mercy of almighty. Only we have to realize, think deeply into our hearts recall our sins, strong repentance and then extend apology. GOD is really very kind and merciful he forgives us once we realize truly. Quran says, "This sacred book is "shifa" for its followers" so it is only the ultimate ALLAH who gives "shifa" and when we talk about "shifa" it has multiple dimensions, physical, mental and spiritual.

Since the revelation of Quran it has changed the life of billions of people and the biggest example which comes forward is the life of Hazrat UAMR (R.A) who comes to assasinate the prophet but hears the recitation of a few verses and his mind changed and he accepted Islam and became a great Muslim leader and true companion of the Prophet (S.A.W) there are other examples where someone of highest opposition heard the recitation and changed to the extent of miracle. Quran has the power to change every thing if we do seek help from this sacred book or listen to it with greater concentration.

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How to Listen Surah Al-Rehman?

Qalanda Baba Bukhari and Waaris-e-Qalandar
Kindly purchase the audio cassette of Surah "AL-REHMAN" recited by Qari Abdul Basit, listen the cassette 3 times in a day (morning, afternoon, evening) before you start listening, close your eyes, feel your self in front of GOD and then hear it with greater concentration. When the recitation is finished, kindly take a half glass of water again close your eyes and say "ALLAH" 3 times in your heart and then drink the water with closed eyes. So you have to drink water 3 times each after listening the recitation. You have to do it repeatedly for 7 days, "SHIFA" is from the almighty ALLAH.


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