Always and Forever 14

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Good Cream For White Spots On Face

I have these white spots on my face and I do not know any medicine or creme that will treat them !please help! 

How did I get white spots?

Best Answer

 I think it's called Pityriasis Alba. It's just these common white spots that come and go. It's a type of eczema but very minor. Within time, they go away. I had a bunch on my face and now I have 2-3 left, they're very small, and many don't notice it. The best you can do is go see a dermatologist and he/she should give you some type of cream to help get rid of it. It could take month. This does not last longer than about a few moths anyway. There is no actual cause for it. They come and go just like that. Also, stay away from the sun, if you don't, this causes the spots to become more uneven. They don't actually tan y'know.

Firming face cream

 It is clear that the neck skin is a gift, even if they have undergone surgical facelift. neck skin to reveal a rough-looking, sagging may not be obvious on its face. The texture of the skin of the neck can cause a problem once the process of aging sets in. The skin of the neck is very similar to the thinness with those under the eyes.

  Most times you tend to forget the neck in its program of facial skin care. This should not be so since the area neck is also exposed to sunlight and pollution all we got from our environment. The skin, causing damage that shows on your face is as visible as neck. Turkey neck "is simply caused by the exhaustion of our body's collagen and elastin. This is normally what happens with aging. These loose skin that around the neck are one of the signs of aging and tiring the most difficult to treat or even lessen their appearance.

  Facial firming creams can be excellent for your face but can not realize his neck wrinkles. Because overexposure to free radical neck skin becomes dry, so a hydrating solution good is necessary to remedy the damaged neck area. How to choose a good neck firming cream?

  A good cream should have powerful neck containing antioxidants in it. Since the major cause is the decreased production of collagen and elastin, a good nutrient as CoQ10 definitely fighting free radicals before they can damage the skin. Due to its antioxidant property CoQ10 destroys free radicals. However, lotions or creams containing CoQ10 are not easy to absorb deep into the pores of the skin. A scientific breakthrough results with the combination of CoQ10 and vitamin E was established through clinical process now Nano Lipobelle known as H-EQ10. This component can easily enter the pores of the skin and can penetrate all seven layers of the skin and guard against free radicals, as goes on your skin.

  An effective neck firming cream must have the right kind of ingredients and must be thick enough to apply easily. As you have your own facial firming cream, firming neck cream application should be applied from the neck down. This is to replenish moisture loss neck skin caused by sunlight and pollutants in the vicinity. Implementation of the neck firming cream should be done regularly in order to obtain wonderful results. Remember that our neck is a vital part of our face.

Drula Pigment Cream

Drula Pigment Cream MC_D127

  A vitiligo treatment cream, which helps to moderate the contrast between light and dark skin.
  - with colored pigment and self-tanning ingredients providing treatment for vitiligos
  - with new active substance complex of a coated pigment and the self-tanners Erythrulose and Dihydroxyaceton (DHA) -

When to recommend Drula Pigment Cream?

  In case of white spot on skin, white spot disease vitiligo skin disorder on pigmented skin (vitiligo)


  The self tanners tone the white spot on skin (vitiligo) and the brown colored pigment covers the skin surfaces.

Cosmetic Effect

  * white spots are toned.
  *  the brown pearl-gloss colored pigment moderates the contrast to the skin surfaces.

How to use DRULA PIGMENT CREAM vitiligo treatment?

  Apply DRULA PIGMENT CREAM once or twice a day on the effected parts.

 Safety / Active Ingredients
  Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
  Discontinue use immediately in case of skin irritation.
  Avoid contact of the toned cream with clothes.


  Aqua (Water), Isopropyl Stearate, cetyl dimethicone copolyol polyglyceryl -4 isostearate, hexyllaurate, cyclomethicone, dihydroxyacetone (DHA), ethoxydiglycol, glycerol, mica, iron oxides C1 77491, dimethicone, caprylic/capric triglyceride, C12-15 alkylbenzoate, petrolatum, mineral oil, erythrulose, cera alba sodium chloride, hydrogenated 

Losing Belly Fat Start In Your Mind First

Image result for Losing Belly Fat Start In Your Mind First

If you are overweight it is because you overeat. You don’t overeat because you are hungry. You eat too much for other reasons stress, eating and watching TV, eating when you walk, eating everything you catch. If you want to lose belly fat.

Well, first thing you have to do is to take a decision. A strong one

If you want to lose weight and have flat abs you must first conquer the mental component to your current condition.

Losing belly fat is a physical process with a very strong psychological component. It can be a very long journey that begins with a very unlikely first step.
You are an important person. No matter what you or anyone else might think, you are a unique, special, and important person. How tragic it is that past events are having such devastating present effects in the lives and bodies of so many people. Some people may need to seek professional help to address these issues.

You are able to move forward and be successful. It is essential to have a winner’s attitude. Losing belly fat requires that you believe you can have flat abs and be healthy. So many people don’t set goals because they simply don’t believe they can achieve them. Little do they know that changing this attitude is the very first step toward success.

How to take first step toward success

That first step doesn’t take place in the gym or on a treadmill. It doesn’t take place in the grocery store, kitchen, or refrigerator. Your first step takes place in the very non-physical part of your being.

Losing belly fat is a challenge. The physical aspect requires diligence, patience, and strength of character. If you are having problems reaching this goal you should consider a personal coach who can encourage you in this journey. You choose the way, the method and when you act. What nutrition plan you choose to losing belly fat and what exercises are the best for you to burn the fat.

Don’t overlook the importance of these truths and how they will affect your ability to lose fat and improve your health. Many people are driven to constant overeating because of psychological issues that have not been dealt with properly. For more information for losing fat visit : time as well as draws about the additional. Perform gentle cardiovascular (20 min’s) one or two times from the 7 days…

How Fight Gynecomastia and Burning Fat

Image result for How Fight Gynecomastia and Burning Fat

Gynecomastia it’s unknown for the largiest number of people. I agree, it may not be a common term, but that doesn’t change the fact that gynecomastia affects many men of all ages in the world. There are many cases of gynecomastia? Some data does indicate a rise. However, many people consider “man boobs” the same as gynecomastia. There are definitely some striking resemblances, both apply to a male’s breast area. The major difference however is that gynecomastia is a medical condition. Man boobs are usually caused by a lack of exercise and/or bad dieting habits. The good news is that both conditions can be minimized by exercising regularly. With regularly we are referring to at least 4 training sessions of 30 minutes each week. The best thing you can do is to use a treadmill or other cardiovascular training machine.

After a training session you must really feel your efforts in your legs, your heart rate must be near your maximum for the best results (do note that maximum heart rate is different from person to person, perhaps get yourself tested by a professional?). Cardiovascular exercises are great for burning calories, which in turn burn fat. They are also excellent to improve your overall condition. If you’d rather not buy exercise equipment then perhaps you can join your local gym? If you prefer the outdoors then by all means go jogging for 30 minutes 4 times a week. It might help to jog with a friend/family member, makes it much more fun.

You will not see results after one training session. You will need to keep it up. After a few weeks you should definitely start to see a difference when you weigh yourself. One important thing is that you need to prevent yourself from eating more during your exercise program. And carefully look at what you are eating. Some people have no idea how quickly you can lose weight by just cutting some very fat foods from your diet. These days there are plenty of sites on the web that list common foods including their calories, fat and protein. Combining regular exercise with a healthy diet will improve your situation tremendously. Keep track of your progress by keeping an exercise journal, this usually helps to motivate you and keep up discipline.

Burning Fat Above The Belt

Image result for Burning Fat Above The Belt

The fastest and most efficient way to rev up your metabolism, burn fat faster, and develop lifelong health and fitness is to add lean muscle to your body through resistance training – period. You want life changing results in the quickest possible time? Get stronger and build some muscle. When you add lean muscle to your body you’ll be literally turning your body into a fat burning machine!

It really isn’t possible to “spot reduce,” however, there is a routine that can help to tone up the legs and perhaps reduce fat accumulated above the knees. The routine is unconventional, but can show significant results in a 4 week period. You’ll need a few medicine balls of varied weights.

The routine works in a circuit format, performing each exercise attempting to get 15 repetitions in 30 seconds. You then rest 15 seconds and move to the next exercise, again attempting 15 reps in 30 seconds.

1: Squats holding the medicine ball in front of you.

2: Holding the medicine ball overhead at the start, perform lunges reaching the ball forward as you lunge, returning it overhead as you return to the start position.

3: Wood chops, holding the ball overhead with your feet fixed and pretending the ball is an axe and you are chopping a log running between your legs. At the beginning of each rep the ball is overhead, at the completion the ball is an inch above the ground.

4: Jumping squats with a ¼ turn after every 4 reps.

You’d keep an eye on a clock, perform exercise #1 for 30 seconds, then rest 15 seconds, move to exercise #2 for 30 seconds, then rest 15 seconds, etc. After you complete exercise #4, you just go back to the beginning. The total workout should be:

First week : 7 minutes Week

2: 10 minutes Week

3: 12 minutes Week

4: 15 minutes

It might appear simple, but I assure you it’s intense. I use a similar routine with some of the pro athletes and fitness competitors I’ve worked with when they’re trying to add shape and definition to their legs. Ideally you’d perform the workout every other day.

When you stimulate your body with proper resistance training , the repair and growth process will call upon your stored body fat for energy. This calorie deficit combined with the repair and growth process will allow you to burn fat all day long, every day. You’ll even get these fat burning effects when you’re sitting around doing nothing at all.

Weight Lifting Training And Burning Fat


Image result for Weight Lifting Training And Burning Fat

Weight lifting practices will put up your muscle metabolism during the exercise session, and for a long time afterwards. A few high intensity trainers have even watched their metabolism ascend for many days following their training sessions.

The amount of folks lifting weights has increased almost seventy-six percent in the preceding decade. Right now, weight lifting is amongst the commonest sports in the world. This change is perhaps for the best as cardiovascular action blended with weight training will result in a good deal more efficient fat loss. Cardiovascular exercises will heighten muscle metabolism during the action and for a short time after the exercise session.

A lot of trainers will pronounce that aerobic exercises burn up fat and weight-lifting is exclusively employed to build up brawn. This is not altogether correct as the more muscle bulk one develops by weight bearing exercises, the more he will burn off fat calories…even at ease. We discover a developing trend from cardiovascular conditioning toward weight and durability training.

Doing decent weight training exercises should limit your repetitions anywhere from 1 to 20 (approximately). Such resistance on muscles will make their tissue leaner and firmer. The muscle evolution will come about during the rest period following the resistance training. Therefore ample rest periods are crucial.

Whether your aim is to tone or build up muscles, it’s significant to know what comes about during the muscle training process. When lifting weights, muscle tissues are torn apart (at the minute level) from the stress, and it is in the recovery period that your muscles get stronger and therefore able to support the extra stress. Usually the recuperation period called for is 24 to 48 hours after the weight lifting activity.

During the recuperation period, the muscle metabolism is still burning off energy, and that’s when it is time to execute cardiovascular activities. Carrying out high repetitions of the same motion will exhaust the body on another basis. Combining low repetition exercises (weight lifting) with high repetition cardiovascular exercise will strain muscles in a complementary way to step-up the total fat burning result.

Anybody who argues the fact that weight bearing exercises don’t help people lose weight and fat should lift weights for one hour and watch their pulse rate go through the roof. Just consider athletes who specialize in short, acute bursts of energy and you still see that they’re really low in body fat.

The aim is to combine a weight lifting routine with a good cardiovascular workout to increase muscle metabolism and total fat burning ratio.

A crucial factor to study when attempting to lose weight is that bunches of muscle mass can be lost as a consequence. As muscle mass will keep your metabolism high, try to ward off quick weight loss through miracle diets or starving. This weight loss will be recovered just as speedily. Alternatively, opt for a bit-by-bit fat loss routine by combining weight training and cardiovascular activities, and allow muscle mass to develop and increase your metabolism. Results could take a bit longer , but they will last for a longer time period.