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Friday, May 17, 2019

Cholesterol and Homeopathic Treatment

Image result for Cholesterol

As the man is advancing in the development in various field specially new and new inventions, the physical activity is going to be reduced. Modern objects where humans have created many facilities, There are many problems for him too in his life . So, in the present period such diseases are becoming very important. Cholesterol is found in every human being and it is also necessary for the human body. But when the person has stopped walking and exercising his work, then the fat which is beneficial for the body, its amount starts to be increased in the body. Which tightens the blood vessels and is great risk for heart disease.

How cholesterol Produces in the body ?

Cholesterol is a type of fat or lipid (Lipid). Most of the cholesterol is made in liver, a liver cholesterol factory. The amount of cholesterol exists in the items we eat. For some reason, if this system is troubled, liver cholesterol seems to be higher.

Why the cholesterol very  important fore human body ?

Kolstolol is found very much in mugs, buds, kidneys etc.
Small and large meat.
In the eggs of eggs

In which items cholesterol is found in low quantity?

The amount of cholesterol in the chicken and fish meat is relatively low.

Foods obtained from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, pulses, drainage, also reduce cholesterol significantly.

Types of cholesterol 

There are many types of cholesterol, famous types of cholesterol are under:-

1. HDL: High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol. Good cololesterol
2. LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol. Bad Colluster
3. Triglycerides

Image result for HDL cholesterol

DHL cholesterol

It is called good cholesterol. It does not give the fat in the blood cells, but also removes excessive cholesterol out of the body. The level of HDL cholesterol in a healthy body should be 35 mm, while the same level is 60 mm, it protects from heart problems.
If the amount of HDL in the body is low, it can be extended to travel. It's enough for an hour of 35 minutes a day.

LDL cholesterol

Due to the abortion of this cholesterol, the blood vessels start swimming. Which is called Pokke. Which may cause bleeding in blood flow. The LDL level should be less than 100 mm while 160 to 189 figures are considered dangerous. Try that LDL cholesterol levels do not exceed 100 millimeters in your body to exercise excessive fatty foods to exercise onion and obesity, thus its level will come on a normal basis.

LDL reduction

Bad food can be reduced by eating healthy food. Reduce meat. Similarly, fried items should also be stopped. Make more use of vegetables. Comparison exercising reduces cholesterol worse. Have breakfast in the breakfast. Drink lime and drink it. Eat fiber fats like. Chakkutra and orange etc.

High glaciers

Image result for Triglycerides

Tie-glyceride is a type of blood chloride particles. Due to excessive eating, the amount of fat begins to increase the amount of fat in the body. If the amount is high in the body, then there may be a halt. It should be less than 150 in the body.

Reduction of triangle glyceride

Leave food. Fat fatigue, beefed by eggs, butter and other chicken foods. Make more use of vegetables. Walk 30 to 40 minutes a day.

Cholesterol And Homeopathic Treatment

Allium stivum Q
High blood cholesterol is best to control. High blood pressure can also be cured as a result of cholesterol. Those patients with high cholesterol, eating high amounts of meat can benefit from the treatment of homeopathy. Antarctic influences the membrane membranes

Aurm metallium 30
There is one of the top medicines for patients with high cholesterol and where high blood pressure is present. Talks about smoking. The walls of the blood drains are harder than their lives

The level of high cholesterol is considered to be a specific drug.
Daily five times five five drops daily

Avena Stiva Q 
Reducing the level of cholesterol in blood also has the effects of alcohol
Take 5 drops in hot water daily

Baryta Muriaticum 30
The best homopathic medicine for older people is influenced by high cholesterol levels
Hardness of brain walls and mental discomfort arises, there is noise in the ear, the pulse stimulates.

Berberis vulgaris Q
One of the best medicines for high cholesterol levels is blood. For kidneys, it is a good motivation and drainer that affects particular liver. Increases the flow of hygiene Symptoms of hunger and appetite.

Calcarea Carb 30

Chronic Fat or Maximum Patient is one of the best medicines for reducing high cholesterol. These patients have an extraordinary and more desire for boiled eggs. Sweat on the skull frequently and keep the feet cool enough

Cardus Marianusc Q

One of the best medicines to reduce high cholesterol in blood. It corrects fat metabolism in liver liver defects

Crataegus Q

One of the best heart tanks is to act as a tank for heart muscle which is weak due to reducing blood supply in blood.