Always and Forever 14

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Treatment White Spots on Face

The first step towards effective treatment is to identify the reason behind these white spots. Leucoderma is a rare condition which is characterized by loss of pigment from the skin. The skin which loses pigment appears white. The white spots on the skin are sometimes surrounded by whitish rings. Several factors have been associated with this condition like environmental factors, stress, autoimmune disease and hormonal imbalance.

There is no specific course of treatment for leucoderma. People with leucoderma are advised not to use harsh soaps, cosmetics and powders. They are also advised to avoid citrus foods, shell fish and foods high in iron. Artificial phototherapy may help reduce leucoderma. It is possible that exposure to light activates the cells that are responsible for pigmentation. A recent course of treatment involves culturing cells from other parts of the skin and transplanting it onto the affected area.

Another more common and less serious cause of white spots is fungal infection. The fungus pityrosporum ovale causes a condition called tinea versicolor. This condition is more prevalent in areas with hot and humid climates. It can be treated by using antifungal creams and washing the face frequently. Here are some of the tips to combat tinea versicolor:

• Visit a dermatologist and get a prescription for topical or oral anti fungal medication.

• Wash your face frequently with mild soaps which do not dry your skin.

• Rinse your face with dilute apple cider vinegar. This will keep the skin environment acidic and prevent over growth of yeast.

• Ketoconazole present in anti-dandruff shampoos can help cure these white spots. Rub some anti-dandruff over your skin using a cotton ball.

• Avoid direct exposure to sunlight. If you have to go outside during the day, make sure you apply sunscreen lotion.

• Exfoliate your skin regularly. This helps remove dead skin, debris and fungus from the skin. Homemade face scrubs are preferred because they are milder. You can use:

Soak fnugreek seeds in water overnight and use the water to wash your face.

Cut a small piece of ginger or garlic and rub it over the white spots.

Make a paste of honey, sandalwood, rice powder and turmeric powder and apply over your face.

Honey mixed with cinnamon also makes a good face pack for treatment for white spots.

A paste of black gram can help.

Green tea extract can help treat this condition.

Apply aloe Vera gel over the affected area.

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