Always and Forever 14

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Treatment White Spots on Face

The first step towards effective treatment is to identify the reason behind these white spots. Leucoderma is a rare condition which is characterized by loss of pigment from the skin. The skin which loses pigment appears white. The white spots on the skin are sometimes surrounded by whitish rings. Several factors have been associated with this condition like environmental factors, stress, autoimmune disease and hormonal imbalance.

There is no specific course of treatment for leucoderma. People with leucoderma are advised not to use harsh soaps, cosmetics and powders. They are also advised to avoid citrus foods, shell fish and foods high in iron. Artificial phototherapy may help reduce leucoderma. It is possible that exposure to light activates the cells that are responsible for pigmentation. A recent course of treatment involves culturing cells from other parts of the skin and transplanting it onto the affected area.

Another more common and less serious cause of white spots is fungal infection. The fungus pityrosporum ovale causes a condition called tinea versicolor. This condition is more prevalent in areas with hot and humid climates. It can be treated by using antifungal creams and washing the face frequently. Here are some of the tips to combat tinea versicolor:

• Visit a dermatologist and get a prescription for topical or oral anti fungal medication.

• Wash your face frequently with mild soaps which do not dry your skin.

• Rinse your face with dilute apple cider vinegar. This will keep the skin environment acidic and prevent over growth of yeast.

• Ketoconazole present in anti-dandruff shampoos can help cure these white spots. Rub some anti-dandruff over your skin using a cotton ball.

• Avoid direct exposure to sunlight. If you have to go outside during the day, make sure you apply sunscreen lotion.

• Exfoliate your skin regularly. This helps remove dead skin, debris and fungus from the skin. Homemade face scrubs are preferred because they are milder. You can use:

Soak fnugreek seeds in water overnight and use the water to wash your face.

Cut a small piece of ginger or garlic and rub it over the white spots.

Make a paste of honey, sandalwood, rice powder and turmeric powder and apply over your face.

Honey mixed with cinnamon also makes a good face pack for treatment for white spots.

A paste of black gram can help.

Green tea extract can help treat this condition.

Apply aloe Vera gel over the affected area.

Causes Of White Spots or Patches On Face

Image result for Causes Of White Spots or Patches On Face

There are several causes that can lead to formation of whitish patches on face. Some of the main causes are as follows:
Leucoderma: This is also referred to as vitiligo disease. Here, the size of the patches grow with passage of time. The leucoderma causes are not clearly known to us. In many cases, it has been found to be an autoimmune disorder. In some cases, it is hereditary and the disease run in families. It can affect people of any age group but are more common in women than in men.

Pityriasis Alba: This is one of the most common cause of white patches on face in children. It is a chronic skin disorder where the white patches mostly appear in the winter. It make the affected part of the skin dry and scaly. The size of the patch is usually 1 or 2 cm in diameter but in some children they can be as big as 20 cm. The cause behind such spots have not yet been found but it can be triggered by stress, heat, smoke, etc.

Nevus Depigmentosus: This is another case of pigmentation problem. These white patches on skin are actually found at the time of birth only. As the child grows, the marks become more and more prominent. This is due to abnormal functioning of the melanocyte skin cells and result in low production of skin pigment. The localized skin lesions of nevus depigmentosus are more stable than that of leucoderma.

Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis: This gives white spots on face that are small in size and are flat and round in shape. It is a genetic disorder and it is often associated with aging. It is more common in men above the age of 40. In this condition, the affected part of the skin becomes thin and the number of melanocyte skin cells decreases. As a result, no melanin is produced at all. Such spots are more visible after prolonged exposure to the sun when the facial skin turns dark except for those patches.

Other Causes: White patches may develop on face after healing of any kind of skin injury. The skin may suffer physical damage due to some accident like burns or by some chemical exposure or by skin inflammation condition like acne. Such white scars happens if the injury causes damage to some pigment producing melanocytes cells so badly that they fail to produce pigment anymore. Tinea versicolor is not a pigmentation problem but a fungal infection that causes white patches on face skin. The fungus pityrosporum ovale is responsible for this condition. It is more commonly found in people who live in hot and humid climates.

What Causes White Spots or Patches On Face

White patches on the face are a characteristic symptom of a disease known as leucoderma. In the literal sense, the term leucoderma means white skin. Unfortunately, there is a lot of stigma attached with this condition and it is often confused with leprosy. Although leucoderma does not harm the skin in any manner, it does cause the skin to lose its color in patches, therefore revealing white patches. This condition is caused due to the loss of the skin coloring pigment known as melanin. In certain parts of the skin, the melanin producing glands, known as melanocytes, may begin to malfunction, because of which there is loss of melanin in a lot of areas of the skin.

The disease may stand out because of its typical appearance. However, it is neither dangerous, nor contagious. Leucoderma does cause the loss of color from several portions of the skin; however it does not cause dry skin patches on the face. Usually, the condition begins as a small patch, but quickly spreads to other parts of the body. Very soon, the symptoms of leucoderma can be seen all over the body of the patient. Although there have been numerous studies on the condition, the cause of leucoderma has not yet been ascertained. If you are experiencing white patches on your face’s skin, it can usually be attributed to leucoderma. Some of the common causes of this condition are hereditary factors, emotional trauma, stress, sunburns, worms and other physical illnesses. If there are other diseases such as Addison’s disease, diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism, the disease can be triggered off.
If you have a history of leucoderma in your family, you should expect to see white patches on the face in the children in your family. There are strong genetic links in this disease, and it is easy for a person to have this disease from childhood, if someone else in the family also has it. To prevent white patches on the face of your kids, try to keep them relaxed and use only mild soaps and cosmetics. Since white patches are observed on the face after sun exposure, it best if you avoid over exposure to the sun, or if you take adequate precautions before you head out into the sun. Avoid using too many cosmetics on the face as these can act as triggering agents. Also eat foods that are rich in iron to avoid iron deficiency. If your children are going through leucoderma treatment, avoid salt, citrus fruits and sea foods.

White dry spots on skin or white dry patches on skin can be a result of vitiligo, which is another hereditary skin disease related to melanin deficiency. Red white patches on the face can also be due to vitiligo. You should ideally get your skin tested to determine which kind of ailment you have, and to get proper treatment for it. Usually, a home remedy made from tamarind seeds and babchi can help treat the skin condition caused by vitiligo. Simply steep the tamarind seeds in water for a few days. After they are boiled, shell them and dry them for a few days. Make a paste from these seeds and then apply all over your face. Drinking water from a copper vessel improves your mineral intake and can help you get relief from the skin condition.

Another great remedy for white dry patches on the face is ginger juice. The juice of ginger can help stimulate blood flow to all regions of the skin. If your melanocytes are not working naturally, the increased flow of blood will stimulate the melanocytes and help them produce optimum quantity of melanin once again. If you are not comfortable drinking the juice of ginger, you can also apply the poultice of ginger on the affected areas. This will have a concentrated effect on the affected skin. Also, to deal with dry white patches on the face, improve your overall nutritional intake. Often, the melanocytes may stop working because of the deficiency of certain nutrients. Green leafy vegetables and foods that are rich in iron should be able to improve your overall nutritional status.

Regular consumption of figs can also help you improve your white dry spots on face. If you can get your hands on pomegranate leaves, dry them and grind them into a fine powder. Sieve them to get only the powder. You can store this powder and consume it with fresh water every time you require it. You can also eat walnuts regularly to get rid of white patches on your cheeks. A lot of people may have white patches on the nose along with dry white spots on the face. Eating walnuts can help them get rid of their condition as well. In addition, make a paste of cucumber juice and 100 grams of alfalfa. Consuming it regularly twice a day, for a few months can help dry white patches on the nose and white patches around the mouth. If you have white patches on your chin, then too this remedy will help you. Drinking butter milk and applying it to your skin can also help treat vitiligo as well as eczema with white patches on different parts of the skin. If you have white patches on the chin and dry white patches on the forehead this could be an indication of other skin conditions such as eczema.

If you have red patches on your face, along with white spots, it could be caused due to something other than leucoderma. Dry white patches on the chin and other parts of the face, when accompanied with red white patches on the face can be due to a fungus known as tinea versicolor. Black gram paste can help treat this condition. Simply grind black gram and make this into a paste with milk. You can also try antifungal remedies such as diluted apple cider vinegar. For the treatment of white patches on the chin and dry white patches on the forehead, basil essential oil can be helpful. If you get your hands on some basil oil, mix it with some vegetable oil before applying it to your skin. Dry white patches on acne can also be resolved by this remedy. If you have red patches on the face with white spots, the remedy may help. Red white patches on the face have many causes. Apart from fungal infections, the red white patches on the forehead and cheeks may be caused due to skin infections caused by bacteria as well. A dermatologist can help you get rid of red white patches on acne and other parts of the face.

There could be several reasons that could cause one to have dry patches on the face. A lack of adequate hydration, over exposure to the sun, use of chemicals on the face, and side effects to particular medications are just some of the many reasons that can lead one to have dry patches of skin on the face. In fact some women have discovered that pregnancy can cause several hormonal changes in the body, which can at times lead to the formation of dry patches on the skin. In addition a poor diet, improper lifestyle and nutritional imbalances can also contribute to dry patches on the face and other parts of the body as well.

A patchy, white skin on the face is an indication of a skin problem. This happens mainly because of loss of pigmentation in the skin. The process of pigmentation involves a special kind of skin cells known as melanocytes that produces a dark brown pigment which gives a specific skin color to every individual. When the pigmentation process get disturbed due to some reasons, then melanin production of the facial skin goes down and result in white patches on face. Such marks appear not just on face but may also on the skin of various other parts of the body as well.

What is white spot on face?

Image result for leucoderma

The actualization of white spots on the derma is a accepted problem. However, the causes of these white spots may vary. White spots may be cased due to aggrandize infection or it may be the leucoderma or vitiligo.


White patches on the face are a appropriate evidence of a ache accepted as leucoderma. In the accurate sense, the appellation leucoderma agency white skin. Unfortunately, there is a lot of stigma absorbed with this action and it is about abashed with leprosy. Although leucoderma does not abuse the derma in any manner, it does could could could could could could cause the derma to lose its blush in patches, accordingly absolute white patches. This action is acquired due to the accident of the derma actualization colorant accepted as melanin. In assertive locations of the skin, the melanin bearing glands, accepted as melanocytes, may activate to malfunction, because of which there is accident of melanin in a lot of areas of the skin.

Symptoms of leucoderma

The botheration usually starts with a baby white atom and after on it develops into patches. These patches are anemic in the alpha but become whiter and whiter as time passes due to accident of pigment. As spots enlarge, they blot into anniversary added and, in advance of time, anatomy a actual ample patch. In some cases, a lot of of the derma of the physique may be covered with white patches. The advance of the ataxia is usually apathetic and progressive. Symmetrical actualization on both the abandon of the physique (say, on the legs, hands, etc.) is common. In attenuate cases one finds vitiligo overextension all over the body.

 The ache may angle out because of its archetypal appearance. However, it is neither dangerous, nor contagious. Leucoderma does could could could could could could cause the accident of blush from several portions of the skin; about it does not could could could could could could cause dry derma patches on the face. Usually, the action begins as a baby patch, but bound spreads to added locations of the body. Actual soon, the affection of leucoderma can be apparent all over the physique of the patient. Although there accept been abundant studies on the condition, the could could could could could could cause of leucoderma has not yet been ascertained. If you are experiencing white patches on your face’s skin, it can usually be attributed to leucoderma.

Who is afflicted by Leucoderma

The Leucoderma is a accepted disease. About about bisected of those who advance Leucoderma do so afore the age of twenty and about 20 percent of those afflicted accept a ancestors of the aforementioned pathology. A lot of of the afflicted citizenry with Leucoderma are in acceptable action overall.

Leucoderma affects both sexes and all contest and appropriately and 95 percent of its patients are beneath the age of forty. As for the affair with inheritance, Leucoderma may or may not be hereditary.


Image result for Vitiligo

Vitiligois a blush ataxia in which melanocytes (the beef that accomplish pigment) in the skin, the tissues that band the central of the aperture and adenoids and animal and abdominal areas (mucous membranes), and the retina of the eyes are destroyed. As a result, white patches of derma arise on altered locations of the body. The hair that grows in areas afflicted by vitiligo may about-face white.

The could could could could could could cause of vitiligo is not known, but doctors and advisers accept several altered theories. One approach is that humans advance antibodies that abort the melanocytes in their own bodies. Another approach is that melanocytes abort themselves. Finally, some humans accept arise that a individual accident such as sunburn or affecting ache triggered vitiligo; however, these contest accept not been scientifically accurate to could could could could could could cause vitiligo.

What Are the Affection of Vitiligo? 

Humans who advance vitiligo usually aboriginal apprehension white patches (depigmentation) on their skin. These patches are added accepted in sun-exposed areas, including the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips. Added accepted areas for white patches to arise are the armpits and beam and about the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel, and genitals.

Vitiligo about appears in one of three patterns. In one arrangement (focal pattern), the depigmentation is bound to one or alone a few areas. Some humans advance depigmented patches on alone one ancillary of their bodies (segmental pattern). But for a lot of humans who accept vitiligo, depigmentation occurs on altered locations of the physique (generalized pattern). In accession to white patches on the skin, humans with vitiligo may accept abortive graying of the attic hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard. Humans with aphotic derma may apprehension a accident of blush central their mouths.

Who Is Afflicted by Vitiligo?

About 1 to 2 percent of the world's population, or 40 to 50 actor people, accept vitiligo. In the United States, 2 to 5 actor humans accept the disorder. Ninety-five percent of humans who accept vitiligo advance it afore their 40th birthday. The ataxia affects all contest and both sexes equally.

Vitiligo seems to be added accepted in humans with assertive autoimmune diseases (diseases in which a person's allowed arrangement reacts adjoin the body's own organs or tissues). These autoimmune diseases cover hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland), adrenocortical dearth (the adrenal gland does not aftermath abundant of the hormone alleged corticosteroid), alopecia areata (patches of baldness), and pernicious anemia (a low akin of red claret beef acquired by abortion of the physique to blot vitamin B12). Scientists do not apperceive the acumen for the affiliation amid vitiligo and these autoimmune diseases. However, a lot of humans with vitiligo accept no added autoimmune disease.

Vitiligo may aswell be hereditary, that is, it can run in families. Accouchement whose parents accept the ataxia are added acceptable to advance vitiligo. However, a lot of accouchement will not get vitiligo even if a ancestor has it, and a lot of humans with vitiligo do not accept a ancestors history of the disorder