Always and Forever 14

Friday, May 3, 2019

dates coffee

dates coffee

dates ( Khajur ) is very important from the ancient age, especially regarding medicine, it is also known as desert food. Powerful for physical, mental and nervous power is a charity. Palm pudding is hot. It also contains animals and important mineral ingredients. The palm heart in the medical benefits strengthens the brain and nervous addiction and blood red blood particles in the body. As well as keep cholesterol in balance. Arab palm reason is particularly useful for heart disease. The force produces immunity against palm diseases. It is made of beef that is called dough coffee. Fresh palm-based fresh palm or palm-shaped country milk is very useful for improving the body's energy and cells' breakthrough because of strong force and intake for children and adolescents. It uses immediate energy in infections. The use of causes of insects prevents insects and also helps in the intestine bacteria birth. Palm is very effective in use. The reason for this is that the fiber that is available in the palm makes it possible to mobilize intestines. 11 or 7 palm frying in the water all over the next morning, extract the bunglasses in the morning and crush them in the same water as it is very useful for the use of at least two times in the prescription. Similarly, putting palm milk mixed with alkalies and honey mixture together with excessive strength in the morning, the fatigue also ends with poor performance of organic production.

100 grams of palm contains 314 calories, in which 
2 grams of protein 
75 grams carbohydrates are 
0.5 grams of fat and 
7 gram fiber, 
15% of water contains 
2% mineral ingredients of calcium 
120 mm gram iron 
7.5 phosphorus 
50 millimeters of vitamin C and vitamin B. 

There is a small amount of complexes.

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