Always and Forever 14

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Depression Cure Through Diets

Depression is very common in these days and its treatment mostly is done through medicines.We must have to know that some diets are very helpful to relief depression. Some fruits like peas,dates and chocolate are useful to reduce the depression. Some fats are harmful in heart diseases and cancer specially that products who manufactured from
cow,sheep and goat,s fat. But healthy fats that found in fatty fishes like salmon,trout and tuna is very important in depression  and are too much helpful for human body. These healthy and useful fats include kind of Omega 3 and Omega 6.Fat fishes is a best source of Omega 3 but our body do not get enough. Omega 6 mostly found in   oil and margarine. According to the some evidences from modern research, due to deficiency of omega 3 in  human body may cause of depression.

According to a research review published in 1996, due to deficiency of EPA ( a type of Omega 3) increase the possibility of depression. In 1998 a review published, according that report, due to deficiency DHA  a type of Omega 3 in people the depression mood was more than people who have DHA Omega 3 fat level normal level.In a report in 1999 it is suggested that eat fish oil beside fish meat in a weak is useful for human health.Eating fish oil 1 gram once or twice in a day is good diet. Some diets are helping to positive developing of our temperamental condition and some diets effect against it. Brain chemical composition and arrangement is very serious matter and some diets disturb the brain chemical composition and arrangement specially sugar and caffeine. According a review report temperamental condition in some depressive people became better when they avoided these things. It is clear that those changes take some times, we cannot aspect the result immediately, we have to wait at least two weak for better result after avoid depressive elements.

Another important point noted that if sugar level become low from normal level in blood may be cause of depression. Although our body get energy from deferent things to perform its work but brain get energy only from sugar for its need. So due to reduction sugar level in blood the big change will develop in temperamental condition and depression will appear. If anyone feel depression with low sugar level symptoms,he must eat such diets who provide sugar to blood like meat,fish,rice, and breads. In between meals some fruits must be eaten to keep sugar level normal.

What is depression?

depression a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies.

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depression, major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and depression may make you feel as if life isn't worth living.

Depressiion and fish oil Omega 3

Can omega-3 fatty acids stabilize mood and combat depression and how ?

We all have fat on the brain. Amazingly enough, more than half of the brain's dry weight comes from fat. Some of these fats are the key building blocks of cell membranes and play essential roles in the brain's function. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, help form cell membranes, keep those membranes flexible, and regulate the flow of hormones and other chemical messengers, which may affect our mood.

Research has suggested that omega-3 fatty acids, or essential fatty acids (EFAs), can help lower triglycerides, slow the hardening of arteries, regulate heartbeat, and lessen the risk of death in people with known heart disease. It's also possible that the omega-3 group may aid in treating depression, according to neuroscientist Andrew L. Stoll, MD, of Harvard Medical School, who has studied the effects of omega-3s on the illness. A few promising studies suggest that natural sources of omega-3s -- especially fish oil -- may help bring mood back into balance. Will fish oil ever join the ranks of Prozac as a remedy for depression? Here's a look at the latest information on omega-3s and the brain.

Low omega-3 levels are associated with suicide and self-harm. In response to increasing rates of suicide in the military, researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently found that low blood levels of omega-3s were widespread and raised suicide risk by as much as 62%. The study was published on line in the August 2011 issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

“A previous placebo-controlled trial demonstrated that 2 g of omega-3 fatty acids per day reduced suicidal thinking by 45% as well as depression and anxiety scores among individuals with recurrent self-harm,” says researcher Capt Joseph R. Hibbeln, MD, acting chief of the Section of Nutritional Neurosciences at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics in a press release from the NIH. He and other study authors concluded that “ensuring adequate omega-3 nutritional status is likely to benefit, and unlikely to harm, people at risk for suicide.”

Omega-3s help menopausal depression. When 20 menopausal women with major depression took 2 g of EPA plus DHA daily for eight weeks, 70% found their mood improved, and 45% found their depression went into remission. Mean scores on the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale fell from 24.2 to 10.7. And the study participants enjoyed a bonus—fewer hot flashes—according to researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in the March 2011 issue of Menopause.

Omega-3s improve depression during and after pregnancy. Low-dose DHA/EPA supplements lifted major depression for 15 pregnant women in a 2006 study published in Acta Neuropsychiatrica. Other research has found that women with higher intakes of omega-3s after pregnancy are at lower risk of postpartum depression.

Should we take fish oil?

You shouldn't take fish oil capsules for depression or any other condition without consulting a doctor, according to Stoll. He also cautions depressed or bipolar patients not to stop using their medications. That step could cause serious problems, and it must be remembered that fish oil supplements are generally used as an addition to therapy rather than as a replacement. But fish oil may be a welcome addition to current treatments, he adds. If you are depressed, talk with your doctor about omega-3s: You may be able to take fish oil as a valuable adjunct to your therapy.

Aside from the hit to the pocketbook, there's little downside to fish oil supplements. The over-the-counter supplements combine well with most medications, with one notable exception: blood thinners. People taking warfarin (Coumadin), high-dose aspirin, or any other blood thinner should always consult their physicians prior to taking fish oil, since omega-3s also act to temporarily block platelet clumping.

The majority of people taking fish oil supplements develop loose stools, and some experience problematic diarrhea or nausea. (In Stoll's study, 62 percent of the subjects complained of gastrointestinal symptoms, usually loose stools. More than half of the subjects taking the olive oil pills also had gastrointestinal symptoms.) You can help minimize these side effects by taking a small dose with every meal instead of one big dose on an empty stomach. You should also take vitamin C and vitamin E supplements to prevent oxidization of the fatty acids, says Stoll.

A few other cautions: Be sure to read the labels carefully. Cod liver oil or any other oil made from fish liver may increase the risk of vitamin A or D toxicity. Stoll recommends finding fish oil capsules that are highly concentrated in omega-3 fatty acids. Some brands are over 92 percent omega-3s, while others contain only 30 percent. Whatever product you buy, try to ingest one or two grams (1,000 to 2,000 milligrams) of omega-3s every day. The results may surprise you.

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