Always and Forever 14

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Homeopathic Remedies For White Spots On Face

According to homeopathic philosophy leucoderma or vitiligo is not just a skin disease but it is the external manifestation of the internal derangement of the body. Thus, the treatment in homeopathy is aimed at curing this internal problem because only this would provide permanent relief from white patches. The patient is thus evaluated from different angles – physical, emotional, mental and familial. Also important is life situation prevailing when the problem started.

 There are 33 remedies in homeopathy for leucoderma or vitiligo or white patches. Arsenic sulph falvus, Arsenic album, Baryta muriaticium and Baryta carbonicium are few of them. A professional homeopath chooses the right one for a particular patient by carefully assessing his or her symptoms. This is very important because only the well-selected remedy would cure the patient. Also it is a chronic disease and may take considerable time to cure even with the best selected homeopathic remedy. The patient should keep this in mind and should be ready to cooperate with their homeopath.

 Leucoderma or vitiligo is only curable in homeopathy while other treatments including sun exposure, ultraviolet radiation and external applications only provide temporary relief. Also allopathic treatment is associated with side effects like liver damage, skin allergy, nausea, cataract and other eye problems. The well-selected homeopathic remedies are without any side effects.

 Many a times vitiligo or lecuderma is associated with stress, thyroid dysfunction, pernicious anemia, Addison's disease, alopacia areata (bald patches) and intestinal disorders. With homeopathic treatment the above conditions are also dealt with concurrently thus providing complete and permanent recovery.

   Some remedies for best treatment

Kali Carbonicum

  Potassium carbonate undergoes the process of potentization to evolve into a powerful deep acting homeopathic remedy called Kali Carb. Kali carb is a polycrest drug i.e. having effects on multiple organs and systems in the body. It has a broad sphere of action and is useful for a wide range of diseases.

 Kali Carbonicum positively influences lungs, digestive system, heart, liver, kidney, female reproductive system, skin, etc. Kali Carbonicum does wonders in cases of asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, hydrothorax, etc. It is one of the commonly used medicines for vitiligo, warts, eczema, urticaria, hair loss, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica and low backache, hypothyroidism, heavy menstrual bleeding, etc. It is also useful for complaints of digestive system like acidity, piles, jaundice, gastritis, etc. On the mental sphere, it tackles anxiety states very efficiently and is used for the treatment of the effects of stress on the body.

Silicea (Silica)

  It is one of the splendid acts of homeopathy that substances labeled as inert can also be used efficiently to treat a large variety of disorders. Silica is the example of one such substance, which is chemically inert in its natural form, but after undergoing the process of potentization it gets transformed into a wonderful, deep acting remedy. Silica is in true sense called as polycrest remedy as it has a broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes. In fact this remedy has helped Homeopaths world over to treat so-called surgical conditions gently without requiring knife.

 Silica positively influences bones and joints, mucous membranes, skin, cellular tissue, nerves, glands, lungs, digestive system, etc. Silica is one of the frequently used medicines for complaints of vitiligo, eczema, lichen planus, herpes, urticaria, asthmatic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, styes and chalazion, trigeminal neuralgia, complaints of nails, tonsillitis, etc. Patients requiring silica usually have tendency of easy suppuration of skin injuries. Silica positively influences nutrition as well and hence its one of the prominent remedies used for rickets in children.

Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum

  This is one of the specific remedies used for the treatment of vitiligo in homeopathy. It has discoloration of the skin in blotches that are pale or white in color. It is also a good remedy for eczematous lesions which are moist and have intense itching with corrosive discharge. Pyoderma and urticaria also find a solution through this drug.
Its sphere of action also extends to catarrhal affections and asthmatic states. A deep acting drug which has been known to give good results in Leucoderma (vitiligo).


  Syphilinum belongs to a group of homeopathic drugs called as Nosodes which are prepared from disease products or diseased tissues. The remedy prescribed does not contain the original drug substance in the material form but it contains only the dynamic curative powers of that substance. This is achieved through the process of potentization in homeopathy. Syphillinum is a deep acting, polycrest remedy affecting multiple systems of the body. It positively influences the mind, sensorium, skin, gastrointestinal tract, genito-urinary system, nerves, bones, etc. It is a very helpful remedy to combat hereditary syphilitic tendencies in patients.
Syphillinum is frequently used in the homeopathic treatment of vitiligo, recurrent abscesses, osteomyelitis, trigeminal neuralgia, alcohol dependence, rheumatic complaints, etc. It's a useful drug to combat diseases that are destructive in nature and are deep-seated.

Nitricum acidum

  As the name suggests, this drug is prepared from nitric acid. It must be remembered that the remedy does not contain the original drug substance in its material form but it contains only the dynamic powers of the drug which are released after it undergoes the process of potentization.
Nitricum acidum is a deep acting, constitutional remedy which positively influences the gastrointestinal tract, nerves, glands, skin, bones, etc.
Its one of the commonly used drugs for vitiligo, warts, ulcers, fissures, gastritis, hemorrhoids, bony and rheumatic affections, malignancy, cachexia, etc.


  It's the beauty of the homeopathic system of medicine to be able to use not only plants, animal products and minerals but also certain disease products and diseased tissue for curing various ailments of patients. These are called as Nosodes. Here is a remedy prepared from the material derived from the carcinoma of the breast. It must be borne in mind that the actual medicine does not contain any part of the original substance in the material form. Only the dynamic powers of the original drug substance are present in the final medicine.

 Carcinosin is a deep acting constitutional drug having many indications and a very broad spectrum of action. It is useful for a wide range of disease processes, all of them cannot be described here, but a few of them are discussed here. It positively influences mind, lungs, heart, eyes, skin, bones and joints, nerves, etc. It is one of the commonly used medicines for diseases like vitiligo, urticaria, lichen planus, styes and chalazion, hair loss, asthma, insomnia, trigeminal neuralgia, etc. Homeopathy believes that the genetic predisposition or inherent susceptibility is usually the root cause of a wide range of diseases and Carcinosin in one such remedy which is used to combat these genetic tendencies effectively.

Hydrocotyle Asiatica
  This is a remedy that is prepared from the plant called Indian Pennywort. The tincture from the whole fresh plant is used for the preparation of this remedy. After undergoing the process of Potentization, the curative powers of this remedy are brought forth.
This is one of the very good remedies for vitiligo. It is supposed to stimulate the process of pigmentation. It is also beneficial in other skin problems such as psoriasis, lupus, leprosy, acne and other disorders of the skin in which there is much exfoliation of the skin.
This medicine is often prescribed in combination with a constitutional medicine or other deeper acting medicine to get the best effect.

Natrum Muriaticum

  Natrum Muriaticum is an interesting example of homeopathic medicine prepared from a common food substance, the common salt, sodium chloride. As a rule, the common salt undergoes a special procedure called potentization, whereby its inner healing power is activated to make it available for healing. Constitutionally, this medicine has a broad spectrum of action, and is useful for a wide range of disease processes affecting the skin, gastrointestinal organs, nose, lungs, kidney, metabolism, muscles, head, hormonal system, etc. It is one of the commonly used remedies for hair loss, fissures-in-ano, urticaria, migraine, eczema, lichen planus, vitiligo, asthma, etc. Natrum muriaticum is frequently prescribed in cases of vitiligo and is one of the very good remedies for the same.


  This is a wonderful remedy prepared by the potentization of inorganic phosphorus. After undergoing the process of potentization, the latent healing powers of this drug are brought to surface and it proves to be a wonderful remedy capable of curing a wide range of diseases.
Phosphorus predominantly acts on the skin, gastrointestinal tract, hepato-biliary system, blood, kidneys, bones, lungs, nervous tissue, etc. It is frequently used in the homeopathic treatment of vitiligo, hairloss, nephrotic syndrome, hepatitis, cirrhosis, hemorrhagic tendencies, respiratory infections, osteomyelitis, paralytic symptoms, etc.
Few of its common skin symptoms are: Loss of pigmentation in spots, white discoloration of the skin. It is also used for skin disorders where the patient has much itching and burning of the skin; in urticaria, psoriasis. It is also a good drug for hemorrhagic spots occurring on the skin at various places.

Thuja Occidentalis

  This is a drug prepared from a plant Thuja Occidentalis commonly known as Arbor Vitae. This is another deep acting remedy with a wide sphere of action. It has profound action on skin, genito-urinary organs, joints, nervous system, glands, kidneys, blood, etc. Good for inveterate skin troubles and chronic stubborn skin conditions like vitiligo. Tendency to have unhealthy skin in general. It is a good drug not only for physical complaints but also for affection of the mind. For example it can be very useful in psychotic states, anxiety disorders, depression, etc. Genetic, auto-immune and hormonal factors associated with vitiligo may call for the use of this remedy. In general good for chronic diseases which have been neglected for a long time and have therefore grown deeper into the system. These patients are better in dry weather and worse from humid climate and damp conditions. Some doses of Thuja occidentalis helps enhance the speed of recovery in many cases of vitiligo.

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