Always and Forever 14

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Heatstroke And Its Effects And Prevention

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What is sunstroke ?

Heat stroke is an emergency condition where the body's core temperature is markedly elevated about 104 F 40 C or above in adults and 105 F or 40.5 C in children after being exposed to high environmental temperatures combined with neurologic symptoms and loss of body thermal autoregulation (ability of the brain to control the body temperature).
We all roaming and continue works in the sun, Some people could not withstand sun,s effects and they die suddenly. 

Why do some people suddenly die because of sunshine?

Our body temperature is always 37 ° degree centigrams, at this temperature all parts of our body are functioning correctly.

Body removes the water as sweat and keeps 37 ° C temperature.In this case when the water axuast from the body it is extremely useful and it is important to drink water when it is continuous sweat.

Apart from this, the water is very useful, due to lack of water in our body, our body prevents water emission through sweat.

When the outside temperature is more than 45 ° degree and the body's cooling system stops, body temperature starts to exceed 37 ° degree.

When the body temperature reaches 42 ° C, the blood begins to heat and the blood in the blood starts to grow.

The muscles are stroke, and the muscles also stop working for breathing.

Blood decreases due to the body's water, blood pressure decreases, blood access to important causes (especially in the brain).

Man goes to coma, and after one by one the body parts stop to his work and his death begins.

Continuous water should be used to overcome such problems in summer days, so that our body temperature will remain 37 ° degree, we should focus on it.

In the coming days, Equinox will take over the dark effects of Akonx region. Many areas will be in it
Please try to stay in the house, room or office more than noon between 12 and 3
The temperature will be around 40 degrees

This hardness of the weather will cause water deficiency and inflammatory conditions
(These effects are produced due to sun shining above the starch)

Please save yourself and your relatives from water shortage.
Be sure to use at least 3 liters of water. Try drinking at least 6 to 8 liters of water per day with kidney disease.

Take a look at blood pressure as far as possible. Anyone can have a heat-stroke
Do not do with cold water. Use meat off or minimize. Use more fruits and vegetables to eat
The heat wave is not a joke. Keep an unused candle out of the room, if the candle melts then it is a serious condition.

In the bedroom and other rooms, the moisture of the room kept the moisture filled with 2 half water-filled vessels. Increasing intensity of fatigue is increasing, it may be very harmful but also known.

The average temperature of the human body is 37 degree centimeters, if the person is in a 40 or 50 cm temperature environment then body temperature also increases, the body produces sweat to keep its temperature average The temperature of the body is fine, this chain continues to run until the body lacks water, such as water shortage, the sweat will decrease the body temperature will increase, and the human being " Feeling "Haha" will be hit by "stroke"


Working hard in hot weather

Stay in the sun for a long time

Drink less water

Exit the heat without heat

Wearing unnecessary clothes in the heat

Doing the letters quickly and sit in the AC room


A sudden pain in the head

Darkness in front of eyes

to feel dizziness

Ultimate (vomiting)

Trouble breathing

Sweat too much

Suddenly weakening

Anxiety, heart failure and fever.

Dry hot red ha quickly

Very fast fever


Maximum use of water.

Make sure to use salt sugar (salt) at the time of sunset and infrared.

Avoid using hot hazardous health and drug addiction and cold water.

Avoid going straight to the sun.

If you want to go to the sunlight after sunrise, use syrup or use the umbrellas

Do not get to the bottom of the sunlight or at the bottom of the air conditioner.

Work on the start and end of the day.

Use salads and vegetables in this season

Steps to take off and Management

Move the affected person to a cool shadow place or a room from a warm place.

Keep the legs above the body.

Pull cold water instantly.

Open button zipper etc.

Remove extra and chubby clothes immediately, slip slippers, shoes, tie, shirts etc and remove them under the wings.

Keep cool strips on the wrist, wrists, ankle and thighs or get ice.

If the health improves, let the affected person quickly.

If the health is not better then move the victim to the hospital immediately.

Maximum trees can reduce the heat intensity, and this charity is also issued.

Start a tree tree with the help of students and youth in your area.
Try to keep your lips and eyes moisturized. And maximize this message in public interest.

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