Always and Forever 14

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tension Cure By Breathing Exercise

Importance of breathing in human lifestyle

According to the scholars there is a big relation between breathing and mind.To create centralization between whole power of brain and all nerves energies, the breath exercises are being suggested by scholars.Further to achieve the positive character it can be take help through breath exercises.The healing rays always be present in the universe.By getting energy  from these healing rays through devotion we can do a lot of useful works.When theses rays concentrate on one place,then became a positive power.set healthy effects on human body and brain. Understand this by other way ,during daytime sunlight is spread every side and we feel it normal,but when it concentrate on a paper or peice of wood through magnifying glass the fire burning.

According to the psychologists breathing speed or breathing phichiation determine our life
limits.Breathing fast and breathing disorderly decrease the life limit. On the other side breathing slowly and calmly increase the possibilities of long life and you can live a healthy life.Beside this lifestyle has very importance in life.During interesting in a material the wishes to get it come in the human mind and he tried to get it immediately,then, in this struggle, he begin to waste his qualities rapidly.On the contrary with believe of God and patience can save his qualities to waste.It is noted that heart pulsation and breathing speed increased during negative emotions like angry,hate or revenge.

This fact is discovered that on scientific point of view base that during human sleep the breathing speed became very slow and due to slow breathing speed the such rays overcame him and bring him in Imperturbable sleep.Mentally calm persons sleep deep.You have noted that during sleep or in dream ,if somebody looks the horrible or fear scenes,his breathing speed and heard pulsation become very fast after his wake.So here we can say that breathing close to the perception while slow breathing brings him close to the unconsciousness.

Health By Breath Exercises

Here are some exercises who will give you support to be healthy and strong.

Exercise No-1

Stand streight and both hands touched with body right and left.Now lift the both hands up,keeping them straight over the head and touch the hands each other.During this exercise stop the breath inside as possible.After some minutes bring hands back and gradually and breath out by mouth slowly.

Exercise No-2

Stand straight and spread your hands in front of you.Breath inside and stop as possible.Bring both hands backside after one  minute bring hands back in front.Repeat this exercise several times and keep breathing stop as possible and keep moving hands front to back.At last breath out by mouths lowly not fast.

Exercise No-3

Stand straight and spread your arms in front of you,now breath deep and stop breath inside ,and move the arms in round in circle.some movements clockwise and some against it..During this exercise stop breath inside as possible then breath out by mouth. Remember that during arms movements it is very necessary breathing stop continuously.

Exercise No-4

Lay down on ground on belly and hand also on ground near arms,breath in fully and stop
inside,all body must be straight until all parts of body in hurry.Now lift your whole body up while all weight must be on hands fingers and feet fingers,After some movements come back in first position and breath out by mouth.

Exercise No-5

Stand straight and put both hands on wall as anyone push the car forward position.Bring the chest near the wall and breath in and stop in side .Keep stop continuously.All body weight feel on your hands push your body back from the wall with hands power,with this movement breath out by mouth.

Exercise No-6

This exercise we can do in standing position and sitting position as well.Only remember that during this exercise the spine must straight now cerve in it .Then breath inside slowly.First time breath and stop inside then breath further long until oxegeon fully fill in the lungs,keep breath stop inside after some time breath out my nose.

Health in Winter

Winter effects and treatment by medicine and diet 

Usually Winter effects badly on human body.To cure  from these bad effects mineral compound should not be less in the body,including selenium,copper,zinc and manganese.In vitamins Vit A ,E,and C play vital role to remove the Winter effects.


Selenium               Garlic
Copper                  Gram
Zinc                       Fish,milk,peas
Vit E                      Sesame
Vit A                      Carrot
Vit C                      Orange, kinno,grapefruit

These all minerals and vitamins found in winter season fruits and vegetables.If we look at the old traditions in cold areas usage of fat increased in winter.People mostly use kinds of sweet including Lentils sweets,eggs sweets,carrot sweet,peanut,almond,walnut,honey,etc to meet the winter effects.From the medical point of view in peanut extra Quantity of proteins found who can maintain the nitrogen balance in the human body.Nuts are a big store of minerals.Example,in 100 grams of sesame about 1.5 grams calcium found.these minerals play vital role to maintain the ions balance in the body.To continue the body temperature Allah had produced much factors that who provide enough heat to the body according the Environmental requirement.In winter due to extra cool with digestive system,other systems become fast in their function and to maintain the body temperature need extra energy so to get extra energy need extra diet so rich diet is very important for human body.  

 Human clothes play important role to providing heat and saving in the body,by this reason in winter the usage of Coarse and Warm Clothes may increase.The houses keep hot but unfortunately in our countries the people do not have much education about healthy diet in winter,so by this plangency lot of diseases, Influenza,flu,cough,dryness,and infection-etc  may appeared to the peoples.

Let,s look what are the reasons of these diseases. The man become ill when his vital power became week and his acidic and hypo static balance disturbed,and ions balance do not maintain.

In winter the deficiency of iron accrued specially in women,for this, use of iron providing syrups is very necessary because this play very important role to produce thermo genesis in the body.In winter Vitamin C with iron syrup increase the benefits of each other.Due to zinc deficiency signs of dryness appear on skin and influenza and flu indicate to zinc deficiency.Human vital power also depends on zinc.So in winter, rich zinc fruits and nuts may use in enough quantity to provide power to fulfill the zinc deficiency and vital power.



In Russia Fedretion in high cold areas a special herb decoction named Eleutherococcussentisus is given to factory workers.In Russian language called this harb GinSing.After taking this decoction, worker do their work with good efficiency in cold season,otherwise without this decoction 80%workers fell ill and demand leave from factories.Gin Sing decoctions are taken in cool countries as a tea.Gin Sing tea also available in open market.In Asian countries tea is more popular because after taking tea human body system become more active.

Fenugreek decoction is best tonic to remove winter effects and also is precaution from winter effects.

Drinking honey in boiled water is a best tonic to prevent from winter effects,feeding honey to kids at night before sleep prevent them from Pneumonia.

Usage of dates in winter is beneficial to less the winter side effects.

Aniseseed tea often taken in Asian cold areas to meet the winter season.

In winter dryness appeared on skin,to cure this dryness compound of Glycerin and Rose-water is best lotion for this purpose,this lotion massage provides moisturize on skin.

Usage of peanut in winter fulfill the nitrogen deficiency and Proteins in the body and this diet mostly eaten all over the world.Peanut is i big store for Proteins but remember that some sweet must eat with peanut.

Monday, April 29, 2019

What to eat the diabetic person? (How should Sugar patients eat)

Image result for What to eat the diabetic person

Sugar is a disease that causes less than the amount fixed in the body or due to excessive insulin, but if it is full of food and regular exercises, it can be saved by a disease. Often diabetes patients believe that healthy food is those in which the quantity of carbohydrates is low, but if the carbohydrate of the food is completely eliminated, the risk of diabetes can increase. 

Vegetables for diabetes patients Fill-in-use prevents glucose's amount from being increased. Provides sweet malicious disorders for diabetes patients. Therefore, sweet food can be obtained from fruits and vegetables in vegetable (sugar cream, sugar cream) in sugar. Fighting with this disease, it is necessary to develop a healthy diet to avoid further complications.

Experts say that the protein in the breakfast is filled with a stomach, the hunger feeds every day and the energy to perform the entire day is also available. The nutritional treatment of fatty milk in the nutritional patient, country shake They can take cheeses and boats, and can take the bread and place, which can take bread or stalks, the book watts are also good foods due to being gluten-free and low-carbon, which include magnesium, chromium, fiber, Potassium is found.

Please take 3 to 4 spoons of carrots before the breakfast breakfast or 2 spoonful fishermen must have a cup of water in the morning, and if you drink the morning Fall is in control.


Image result for Lunch
Often diabetes patients stay at home but go outside and take care of them. It's better than eating something outside, in which you can not definitely say anything about the ingredients, to make your lunch box from home. You will be able to eat it clean everywhere and your Sugar Level will be in control. You can include any of the following things in your Lunch Box:

In addition, the following things can also be eaten at breakfast

1. Sandwich: Pearl beads, black peppers, and skimed sandwiches can be made from a country owned by a whiskey country. Please note that the use of fresh vegetables in the sandwich is more.

2. French toast: Make eggs, loose fat, fine flour and black pepper and make batter and put it on a hungry bread for fifteen minutes.

3. Pan cake: Make batter and mix the pancake with salt, pepper, milk, little olive oil and vegetables in hungry flour.

Apart from this, home popcorn, pistachios made with vegetable, fruit salads, sack lime or vegetable kettles can also be taken. Avoid batter biscuits, cream and chocolate, cake, jelly, etc.


Image result for Dinner for diabetic

1. Remember that one spoon of oil is sufficient to eat at least one meal of cooked food. At least place olive and mustard oil.

2. Foods and nuts in the bad foods of the hotels, have negative effects on food health, should be avoided.

3. Use salads with salads or vegetables.

4. Tomato is useful for sugar patients. Use this sauce with food that is the source of getting vitamin C, E and iron.

5. Make spicy, fist and mustard syrup with low oil deformation.

6. Instead of eating a soup, a soup is a full diet that can be used every season. Vegetables and meat used in it maintain their utility. This is why it is considered beneficial for health.

7. One pearl, a kilogram bread, a chicken piece is full (mail).

8. Fish for vegetarian patients is beneficial but excessive use of this may also be harmful for the health. Attract them to stem.

9. In the afternoon, brown rice can use rice, pulses, vinegar and lots of salads.

10. Wheat leaves and acids are used in the diet of sugar.

11. Use green tea instead of eating soda water after meal.

12, use a chopper in the house instead of sowing bread and nose. It is enough for one-time meal to one-half lime.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

High Cholesterol in Diabetes (Diabetic Hyperlipidemia)

Hyperlipidaemia may can develop many complications in the body such as heart diseases and diabetes. Hyperlipidaemia is a main reason of diabetes in the diabetic persons. To avoid from suffering from diabetes, every body must keep his cholesterol level normal. To provide awareness about this matter, the article is written.

Mostly the physicians prescribe the medicines for diabetic persons to keep the cholesterol level low in the body. They give the reason that high cholesterol level is very harmful and cause of various complications in diabetic persons. So, keeping the cholesterol level low in the body for diabetic persons is very important. This is the reason, we are providing some knowledge about Diabetic .

High Cholesterol When You Have Diabetes

What is Hyperlipidemiaa

Diabetic hyperlipidemia sounds a bit intimidating, doesn’t it?  As we always do here on Endocrine Web, we’re going to break down that concept for you, and that’s why we’ve put together this Patients’ Guide to Treating High Cholesterol and Diabetes.

Diabetic hyperlipidemia is, in fact, having high cholesterol when you have diabetes.  The parts of the word hyperlipidemia break into:

hyper:  high
lipid: scientific term referring to fat, cholesterol, and fat-like substances in the body
emia:  in the blood

So all together, hyperlipidemia means that you have too many lipids, especially cholesterol, in your blood.  High cholesterol is dangerous for anyone, but as someone with type 2 diabetes, it’s particularly important that you get treatment for high cholesterol.

You’re probably aware that diabetes can come with a host of complications—if you don’t take good care of our blood glucose levels and overall health.  Cardiovascular complications are common in people with type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol can also harm your cardiovascular health.

Taking care of your high cholesterol will help lower your cardiovascular risk, so in this Patients’ Guide to Treating High Cholesterol and Diabetes, we’ll be covering:

How does diabetes affect your cardiovascular health?

high cholesterol risk factors:  Should you be concerned about getting high cholesterol?
high cholesterol treatments when you have diabetes:  There are medications you can take to help bring down your cholesterol numbers.  Also, lifestyle changes are important.
eating well to manage cholesterol and diabetes:  This lifestyle change is so important that it got its own article.  Eating well when you have high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes is essential.  Learn what to eat and what to limit in order to take better care of your body.
Of course, if you’re concerned about your cholesterol levels and you have type 2 diabetes, talk to your doctor.  He or she will be able to answer any questions you have, as well as check your cholesterol levels and develop a treatment plan if necessary.

Cholesterol Basics

Good Cholesterol, Bad Cholesterol: What’s It All Mean for You?   
Before we get too far into hyperlipidemia—high cholesterol in the blood—we should have a grounding in what cholesterol is and what it does.  Cholesterol is a fat-like substance (often, it’s referred to as “waxy”) that’s used by your body to make vitamin D, hormones, and substances that aid in digestion.  It is necessary for your body to function properly.

Your body actually makes most of the cholesterol you need, although you do get some of it from what you eat.  Cholesterol is made in the liver.

You have two kinds of cholesterol, and you’ve probably heard of these before:  “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol.

Both kinds of cholesterol travel through your blood as lipoproteins:  you can think of them as little packages being sent around your body.  On the inside of the package, there are fats (the cholesterol) and on the outside, there are proteins.

But which kind of cholesterol is good and which is bad—and why does it matter?

Good Cholesterol

High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are the “good” cholesterol.  These little packages are more dense, and part of their job is to escort cholesterol from other parts of your body back to your liver—where it’s then removed.

HDL cholesterol is good, then, because it gets the cholesterol out of the bloodstream (too much cholesterol in the blood in hyperlipidemia, remember).  Once the cholesterol is back in the liver, it’s broken down and removed from your body.

You should have a high level of HDL, the “good” cholesterol.

Bad Cholesterol

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are the “bad” cholesterol.  These carry cholesterol from your liver to other cells in your body—and therein lies the problem.  LDL can carry too much cholesterol (more than is needed by the cells), and then cholesterol will build up in the blood.

Built-up LDL can start to cause blockages in arteries by forming plaque, which restricts blood flow.

You should have a low level of LDL, the “bad” cholesterol.

And Don’t Forget about Triglycerides
Triglycerides are part of your overall lipid profile—how much fat is in your blood.  Any calories your body doesn’t use right away from food are converted into triglycerides, which are stored in fat cells and used later.

When taking into account your overall cardiovascular health, triglycerides are important.

Optimal Cholesterol Numbers
As someone with diabetes, you should carefully monitor your lipid profile.  (Really, everyone should, but it’s especially important if you have diabetes.)

According to the American Heart Association1, your levels should be:

Total Cholesterol:  Less than 200 mg/dL
HDL (Good) Cholesterol:  Higher than 40 mg/dL for men and higher than 50 mg/dL in women is very good, but if your HDL level is 60 mg/dL or higher, your risk of heart disease will be significantly lower.
LDL (Bad) Cholesterol:  Less than 100 mg/dL
Triglycerides: Less than 150 mg/dL

How Often Should You Have Your Cholesterol Tested?

The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends that everyone aged 20 and older should have a fasting lipoprotein profile (lipid profile) done every 5 years2.  Your doctor may recommend a different timeline, given your health and history.

This is a fasting test, as the name suggests:  you need to go 9 to 12 hours without food, liquids, or pills before the test.

Cholesterol Is Important to Your Health
As you can see, cholesterol—and having healthy cholesterol levels—is important to your overall health, especially when you have diabetes and want to avoid cardiovascular complications.

Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk
How Does Diabetes Affect Your Heart Health?

As you’re most likely aware, if you don’t take good care of your type 2 diabetes, you can develop several complications, including heart disease.  We don’t say that to frighten you or to make you focus on the negative aspects of type 2 diabetes:  it’s simply that cardiovascular complications are possible when you have diabetes, but there are ways that you can work to prevent them.

Cholesterol plays a big part in cardiovascular disease, so when you have diabetes, you need to be particularly vigilant about your cholesterol numbers.  Taking good care of your heart is part of taking good care of your diabetes.

Cardiovascular Complications with Diabetes 

Cardiovascular complications are possible long-term macrovascular complications of diabetes, and these complications include heart attacks and strokes.

Routinely high blood glucose levels can cause damage to your blood vessels.  Therefore, if you don’t have good control of your blood glucose levels on a daily basis—if you regularly swing high and low—then you could be creating long-lasting heart problems.

Again, that’s not said to frighten you—but to help you realize the important of monitoring your blood glucose levels and working hard to keep them in your goal ranges.  Talk to your doctor about your goal ranges and how you can improve your blood glucose levels on a daily basis.

Where Does Cholesterol Come Into Play in Cardiovascular Disease?

Having high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol—if you’re not sure what that is, please review our cholesterol basics article) in your blood can lead to artherosclerosis.  That’s a condition when plaque builds up in your artery walls, which essentially narrows them and makes it more difficult for blood to flow through.

LDL cholesterol forms plaque, so it stands to reason that the more LDL cholesterol you have in your blood, the more plaque you’re likely to create.

Eventually, if enough plaque builds up, it can cause a blood clot, leading to a heart attack or a stroke.

Controlling Cholesterol and Blood Glucose Levels for Heart Health
When you have type 2 diabetes and you have high cholesterol, it’s like you have a double-whammy of cardiovascular risk.  Poorly controlled blood glucose levels can harm your heart health, as can hyperlipidemia. 

If you have type 2 diabetes, you need to be especially attentive to 2 kinds of numbers:  your blood glucose numbers (and related to that, your A1c numbers) and your cholesterol numbers.  Keeping both numbers under control will help reduce your cardiovascular risk.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Eat Salad And Get Health


Where the usage of fruits and vegetables is concern human being is eating them from centuries About 40 years back in Asia cooked and uncooked vegetables,carrot,mint,onion,radish and lemon etc were mostly use in meals.Then Bar B Q and concept fatty meals came rapidly in our diets and peoples think that this diet is very numerous beneficial for health.Some people do not eat meals without meat.Their dining does not decorate without meat dishes.

In west,started mechanic time and people love to eat meals in restaurants then nutrient knowledge became common and balance diet concept raised,people started eating salad.This tradition came to Asia and rich people started usage of salad,but as a fashion.But this tradition did not came to common people.


A diet who contain all necessary parts for human body like proteins,fats,carbohydrate,vitamins and mineral salts is, called balance diet.

Fruits and vegetables provide all types of Vitamins

Milk,yogurt,meats and flour provide extra Proteins

Wheat flour,rice and potato can provide a lot of carbohydrates

Uncooked vegetables contain fiber and Vitamins,in well cooked vegetables nutraines becomes waste,so uncooked vegetables must use in diet.

After search it had discovered that extra usage of well cooked chicken, meat,roasted dishes have no much nutrition.This is harmful for health.So it is necessary that we give importance fruit and vegetable salad to get nutrition need and made them a part of our diet.Because through salad we can make fruits and vegetables more delicious, tasty and full of nutrition.

Salad not only will give help to digest the diet but it is good for human health.Salad contain fiber who prevent the body to being overweight  but provide necessary Vitamins and mineral salts to the body.Salad is a good treatment for constipation.Usage of fatty diets and roosted meat is harmful for health because extra usage of calories is cause of obesity.According the season we should select salad and eat with lemon and black piper.

Types of Salads:

You can add different types of salad in your menu according to the taste and preference and keeping in view the nutritive values. It is not compulsory to always have tomatoes and cucumber in salad, there is lot more store if talking about salads.

Green Salad
It is also called garden salad. It mainly consist of green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, cucumber or green chili etc. Green salad is a good source of vitamin B. It is reduces tiredness and is very delicious to eat.

Vegetable Salad
Apart from green color when other colors like tomato, mushroom, onion, carrot or radish are used in a salad then it is known as vegetable salad. Sometimes eggs and cheese is also added to vegetable salad.

Main coarse Salad
Main coarse salad is also known as dinner salad. This contains fried or grilled chicken or sea food. According to the taste vegetable dressing is added to this salad.

Desert Salad
In desert salad vegetables are not used. Different types of dry fruits are present in this type of salad. Dressing is done with strawberry. If you are a sugar lover then you can order for this desert salad.

Salads Contents                

Salads provide fiber, antioxidants and minerals.

Salads composed from even a few ingredients make a nutrient-rich meal. The greens alone have calcium, iron, potassium and B vitamins. Many salad basics, including tomatoes, sweet peppers and the greens, are chock-full of antioxidants. Add high fiber and low calories into the mix and you can't go wrong including a salad in your daily diet.

Eating enough fiber earlier in life lowers the risk of developing heart disease later in life, according to researchers at Northwestern University. Vegetables in salads are good sources of insoluble fiber, which keeps your digestive tract healthy. If you add nuts, seeds or beans to the salad, you’ll get a boost of soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol and keeps blood sugar balanced. Men should get 38 grams and women need 25 grams of fiber in their daily diet. One cup of iceberg lettuce with one-half carrot and one-quarter of a red pepper provides 7 percent of men’s and 10 percent of women’s daily fiber intake.

Many salad ingredients contain vitamin C and vitamin A in the form of antioxidant carotenoids. In addition to 7 milligrams of vitamin C, 1 cup of spinach has 93 percent and green leaf lettuce has 88 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. Add half of a medium-sized carrot and you'll gain more than 100 percent of your daily vitamin A. Vegetables that have a better mix of both antioxidants include sweet red peppers, tomatoes and broccoli. Sweet red peppers are an especially good choice. One-half cup provides 77 percent of the daily intake of vitamin A and 158 percent of vitamin C.


Getting a regular supply of protein is essential because your body doesn't store it. Leafy greens make the perfect platform for ingredients that turn a salad into a rich source of protein. Choose low-fat cheese and lean meat such as chicken or turkey, but watch the portion sizes so the calories don't add up. You can count on an average of 20 grams of protein in a 3-ounce serving of meat or poultry. One-half cup of beans or a 1-ounce serving of nuts or seeds adds about 5 to 10 grams of protein.

One tablespoon of vegetable oil has about 120 calories, but as long as you watch the serving size, salad dressings have nutritional benefits. Your body needs some dietary fat to properly absorb vitamins A, E and K, so vegetable oil helps you get the most nutrients from your salad. One tablespoon of vegetable oil has about 14 grams of fat, but it has little saturated fat and no cholesterol. Instead, vegetable oil provides healthy unsaturated fats that lower cholesterol. If you use canola, olive, soybean, flaxseed or walnut oil, you'll also gain omega-3 fatty acids.


Radish is rich in folic acid, Vitamin C and anthocyanins. These nutrients make it a very effective cancer-fighting food. It is said that radish is effective in fighting oral cancer, colon cancer and intestinal cancer as well as kidney and stomach cancers.

Radishes contain Vitamin C, zinc, B-complex vitamins and phosphorus. All of these are very effective in treating skin disorders such as rashes and dry skin. Mashed raw radish can be used as a soothing and refreshing face pack. Dieters can benefit greatly from radishes, as they are low in calories, cholesterol and fat. They also contain a lot of roughage and contain a lot of water. Because of its high roughage content, it is also very useful in treating both piles and constipation. Radish juice helps to soothe the digestive system and detoxify the body.

The sharp, pungent flavor of radish comes from "isothiocyanate" compound in them, which ranges from mild in case of white-icicles to very hot in red globe and other pigmented varieties. The top greens are also eaten as leafy-greens in some parts of the world

White Radish

Radish, the well known part of your salad, is a root crop, pungent or sweet in taste with a lot of juice. Radishes can be white, red, purple or black, long cylindrical or round in shape. They are eaten raw, cooked or pickled. The other parts of radish which are consumed are the leaves, 
Radish is also known as Daiken in some parts of the world.

Health Benefits of Radish

Jaundice: Radish is very good for the liver and the stomach and it is a very good detoxifier too, that is, it purifies blood. It is miraculously useful in jaundice as it helps removing bilirubin and also checks its production. It also checks destruction of red blood cells during jaundice by increasing supply of fresh oxygen in the blood. The black radish is more preferred in jaundice. The leaves of radish are also very useful in treatment of jaundice.

Constipation: Radishes are very high in fiber, which means that they add considerable bulk to bowel movements, which promotes regular excretory patterns and relieve symptoms of constipation. They can also help to firm up loose bowels and get rid of loose stool or diarrhea. Furthermore, radishes are known to promote the production of bile. Bile is one of the most important parts of good digestion, and also helps to protect both the liver and the gallbladder.

Cancer: Since radishes are detoxifiers and are rich in vitamin-C, folic and anthocyanins, they have been connected to treating many types of cancer, particularly colon, kidney, intestinal, stomach and oral cancer. Radishes are part of the Brassica family, and like the other members of that taxonomic classification, these cruciferous vegetables are packed with antioxidants. Furthermore, the isthiocyanates found in radishes have a major impact on the genetic pathways of cancerous cells. They alter the pathways so much, in fact, that they can cause apoptosis, cell death, thereby eliminating cancerous cells from reproducing.

Liver & Gallbladder: Radishes are especially beneficial for liver and gallbladder functions. They regulate production and flow of bile and bilirubin, acids, and enzymes. Furthermore, it also removes excess bilirubin from the blood, and it contains enzymes like myrosinase, diastase, amylase and est erase. Regular consumption of radishes protects your liver and gallbladder from infections and ulcers.

Vitamin-C and Immune System HealthThere are countless reasons why radishes are a good addition to your diet, but improving your immune system is one of the most important. A half cup of radishes per day in a salad or just as a snack is nearly 15% of your daily intake of Vitamin-C. Consistently maxing out your daily dose of Vitamin-C intake can rejuvenate your immune system by replacing many of the antioxidants and white blood cells which are so integral in fighting off every illness from the common cold to cancer!


Carrots are perhaps best known for their rich supply of the antioxidant nutrient that was actually named for them: beta-carotene. However, these delicious root vegetables are the source not only of beta-carotene, but also of a wide variety of antioxidants and other health-supporting nutrients. The areas of antioxidant benefits, cardiovascular benefits, and anti-cancer benefits are the best-researched areas of health research with respect to dietary intake of carrots.

Carrots nutrition facts

Carrots are a vitamin-rich root vegetable. You can find carrots in a variety of colors besides traditional orange, including yellow, red and purple. Carrots can be enjoyed raw or cooked or in juices and smoothies. This nutritious vegetable provides many health benefits.

Vitamin A
One medium carrot contains 204 percent of your daily recommended value of vitamin A, a vitamin found in animal and plant-based foods. In plant-based foods, this vitamin is produced by your body from the nutritional compound beta-carotene. This vitamin, also known as retinol, is responsible for maintaining the health of your eyes. Vitamin A helps your eyes retain their ability to adjust to changes in light and maintains necessary moisture and mucus levels of your eyes.

Vitamins K and C
Carrots are also a good source of vitamins K and C. Vitamin K maintains your blood's ability to clot. It also contributes to bone strength and kidney health. One medium carrot contains 8 mcg of vitamin K. One medium carrot also contains 6 percent of your daily value of vitamin C, which is associated with a healthy immune system and strong teeth and gums. Vitamin C can also help your body absorb iron from plant foods and can help combat free radicals.

Antioxidant Benefits

All varieties of carrots contain valuable amounts of antioxidant nutrients. Included here are traditional antioxidants like vitamin C, as well as phytonutrient antioxidants like beta-carotene. The list of carrot phytonutrient antioxidants is by no means limited to beta-carotene, however. This list includes:

Hydroxycinnamic acids
caffeic acid
coumaric acid
ferulic acid

Different varieties of carrots contain differing amounts of these antioxidant phytonutrients. Red and purple carrots, for example, are best known for the rich anthocyanin content. Oranges are particularly outstanding in terms of beta-carotene, which accounts for 65% of their total carotenoid content. In yellow carrots, 50% of the total carotenoids come from lutein. You're going to receive outstanding antioxidant benefits from each of these carrot varieties!

Carrot Health Benefits

Carotenes, the famous ingredient in carrots, is an anti-oxidant that has powerful healing virtues for many diseases. Drinking a glass of carrot juice daily will do much more for you than many bottles of supplement tablets. Here are some disorders that can be helped by drinking carrot juice regularly:

Acidosis:  The vital organic alkaline elements in carrots help balance the blood acidity and blood sugar.

Acne:  Its powerful cleansing properties are effective in detoxifying the liver, thus overall effective for acne which are caused by toxicity of the blood.

Anemia:  Carrot’s molecules are closest to human’s hemoglobin molecules, making it very beneficial in blood-building.

Atherosclerosis:  The highly cleansing power of this miracle juice scrubs away even the old build-up of arterial deposits, reducing the risks of heart diseases and stroke.

Asthma:  The anti-oxidants effectively protects the respiratory system from infections and free-radical attacks.

Cancer:  Studies show that adding one carrot per day in our diet significantly reduces cancer risks.
Cholesterol:  Pectin in carrots lowers the serum cholesterol levels.

Congestion:  Carrot juice is very effective in dispelling mucus from the ear, nose and throat area, easing nasal congestion, sinusitis, phlegm and mucus in the throat and other similar disorders.

Constipation:  Take five parts of carrot juice with one part of spinach juice regularly to regulate chronic constipation problems.

Emphysema:  If you smoke or are exposed to second-hand smoke, taking carrot juice regularly may well save your life.

Eyesight/vision:  Beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin are some of the finest nourishment that help keep the optic system in tip-top condition, with special protection against astigmatism, macular degeneration and cataracts.

Fertility:  One of the reasons for infertility is lack of nutrients and enzymes in your dietary. Carrot juice taken regularly, is able to nourish your body back to fertility.

Inflammation:  Its anti-inflammatory effect greatly helps reduce arthritis, rheumatism, gout and other inflammations.

Immune system:  It does wonders for boosting the immune system by increasing the production and performance of white blood cells; building resistance to various kinds of infections

Kidney Health:  The healing properties in carrot juices are helpful for cleansing and filtering the kidneys. Although many juicing “experts” say that people with kidney failure shouldn’t drink juices, this story tells you about the miracle of carrot juice for kidneys.

Nursing mothers:  Carrot juice helps enhance the quality and quantity of a mother’s breast milk.

Pregnancy:  Drinking carrot juice regularly during pregnancy, especially during the last few months, will reduce the chances of jaundice in baby. No, you won’t get an orange baby!

Skin problems:  The high quality vitamin C and other rich nutrients in carrot juice efficiently nourish the skin, preventing dry skin, psoriasis and other skin blemishes.

Thread worms:  One small cup of carrot juice in the morning taken daily for a week may help clear up thread worms in children.

Ulcers:  The abundance of nutrient present in carrots help nourish cells that have been starved of nutrients which result in ulcers.

Water retention:  Carrot juice is diuretic and helps to eliminate excess fluids from the body, reducing water retention, especially for women during their monthly menstruation cycle and in pregnant women.


Prevents Gallstones: Regular consumption of tomatoes can also provide relief from gallbladder disease such as gallstones.

There have been various studies to prove the efficacy of tomatoes against many chronic diseases and varieties of cancer. The antioxidant properties of tomatoes can also be derived from processed foods, including tomatoes found in ketchup and purees. Daily consumption of tomatoes fulfills the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals and exerts an overall protective effect on the body

Nutritional Value of Tomatoes

The many health benefits of tomatoes can be attributed to their wealth of nutrients and vitamins, including an impressive amount of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as significant amounts of vitamin B6, folate, and thiamin. Tomatoes are also a good source of potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, and copper. Tomatoes also have dietary fiber and protein, as well as a number of organic compounds like lycopene that also contribute to the overall health benefits that tomatoes can confer to our health!

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

The health benefits of tomatoes have been known to mankind since ancient times. Tomatoes are rich sources of antioxidants that have been proven to be effective against many forms of cancer. Some of the other health benefits of tomatoes are as follows:

Abundant Source of Antioxidants: Tomato contains large amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that is highly effective in scavenging cancer causing free radicals. This benefit can even be obtained from heat-processed tomato products like ketchup. The lycopene in tomatoes defends against cancer and has been shown to be particularly effective in fighting prostate cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the stomach and rectum as well as pharynx and esophageal cancers. It also protects against breast cancer and cancer of the mouth, according to studies published by the Harvard School of Public Health.

Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals: A single tomato can provide about 40% of the daily vitamin C requirement. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant which prevents against cancer-causing free radicals from damaging the body’s systems. It also contains abundant vitamin A and potassium, as well as iron. Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining nerve health and iron is essential for maintaining normal blood health. Vitamin K, which is essential in blood clotting and controls bleeding, is also abundant in tomatoes.

Reduces Cholesterol and Protects the Heart: The lycopene in tomatoes prevents serum lipid oxidation, thus exerting a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. The regular consumption of tomatoes has been proven to decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. These lipids are the key culprits in cardiovascular diseases and lead to the deposition of fats in the blood vessels.

Counters the Effect of Cigarette Smoke: The two main components of tomatoes, coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid, fight against nitrosamines which are produced in the body and are the main carcinogens found in cigarettes. The presence of vitamin A in such high quantities has also been shown to reduce the effects of carcinogens and can protect you against lung cancer.

Improves Vision: Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, aids in improving vision, as well as in preventing night-blindness and macular degeneration. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can be formed from an excess of beta-carotene in the body. A lot of vision problems occur due to the negative effects of free radicals, and vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant.

Digestive Health: Tomatoes keep the digestive system healthy by preventing both constipation and diarrhea. It also prevents jaundice and effectively removes toxins from the body. Furthermore, tomatoes have a large amount of fiber, which can bulk up stool and reduce symptoms of constipation. A healthy amount of fiber helps to stimulate peristaltic motion in the smooth digestive muscles, and also release gastric and digestive juices. This can regulate your bowel movements, thereby improving your overall digestive health and helping you avoid conditions like colorectal cancer.

Lowers Hypertension: Daily consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of developing hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. This is partially due to the impressive levels of potassium found in tomatoes. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning that it reduces the tension in blood vessels and arteries, thereby increasing circulation and lowering the stress on the heart by eliminating hypertension.

Manages Diabetes: A study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that daily consumption of tomatoes reduces the oxidative stress of type 2 diabetes.

Healthy Skin: Tomatoes aid in maintaining healthy teeth, bones, hair and skin. Topical application of tomato juice is even known to cure severe sunburns. Daily consumption of tomatoes protects the skin against UV-induced erythema. Tomatoes rank high in the preparation of anti-aging products.

Prevents Urinary Tract Infections: Tomato intake also reduces the incidence of urinary tract infections, as well as bladder cancer. This is because tomatoes are high in water content, which can stimulate urination, so tomatoes are a diuretic in certain ways. This increases the elimination of toxins from the body, as well as excess water, salts, uric acid, and some fat as well!

Prevents Gallstones: Regular consumption of tomatoes can also provide relief from gallbladder disease such as gallstones.

There have been various studies to prove the efficacy of tomatoes against many chronic diseases and varieties of cancer. The antioxidant properties of tomatoes can also be derived from processed foods, including tomatoes found in ketchup and purees. Daily consumption of tomatoes fulfills the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals and exerts an overall protective effect on the body.


Cucumbers are the most cultivated vegetable in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your body's overall health, often referred to as a superfood. Cucumbers are often sprayed with pesticides so it is important to buy organic or even better, grow them yourself.

Their high water content helps ward off dehydration and combat the heat while their refreshing and mild taste appeals to even the pickiest eaters.Cucumbers are extremely beneficial for overall health, especially during the summer since it is mostly made of water and important nutrients that are essential for the human body.

The cucumber vegetable is also rich in vitamins and other essential nutrients such as vitamin A, B1, B6, C, D & K, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium and Folate (folic acid).    Cucumbers contain 0.65% protein, 0.1% fat and carbohydrates as much as 2.2%.  Cucumbers also contain 35100-486700 ppm linoleic acid as a tribe which usually contain kukurbitasin Cucurbitaceae, cucumber and fruit may also contain compounds tersebut.Kukurbitasin are compounds that have anti-tumor activity.

Health Benefits of Cucumber:

Fight Constipation:The amount of calories in cucumber is very low and it contains just 15 grams of calories per 100 grams. It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as a remedy for chronic constipation.

High Fiber:Cucumber peel is a very good source of dietary fiber. It helps to reduce constipation and indigestion and prevents stomach related diseases by eliminating toxic compounds from the gut.

Healthy Urinary Bladder and Kidney:It has healing attributes in relation to the diseases of urinary bladder and kidney. The water content in cucumber aids the function of kidney by promoting urination. Regular consumption of cucumber can also dissolve kidney stones over time.

 Good Dosage of Potassium:Cucumbers are one of the best sources of potassium and contain 147 milligrams of potassium per 100 grams. This heart friendly electrolyte reduces blood pressure level in the body and reduces heart rate by minimizing the effects of sodium.

 High in Antioxidants:Cucumbers contain good amount of antioxidants like B carotene, A-carotene, zea-xanthin and lutein. These compounds act as a scavenger against free radicals that lead to ageing and other age related diseases.

Anti-cancer:Cucumbers are known to contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol. These 3 lignans are strongly connected with reducing the risk of developing several kinds of cancer like breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer. When we consume these lignans, bacteria found in our digestive tract take hold of these lignans and convert them into enterolignans. These enterolignans bind on to the estrogens receptors to reduce estrogens related diseases like cancer.

Good for Treating Blood Pressure Issues:Cumber has mild diuretic properties owing to its high potassium and water content. It also has a good amount of manganese, potassium and fibre which regulates the blood pressure and treats both high and low blood pressure. Steam produced while boiling cucumber acts as a stress reliever and calms and relaxes the senses and muscles.

Strengthens Bones:Vitamin K in cucumbers plays a very important role in strengthening bones by promoting orthotropic activity. The high amount of silica in it promotes joint health by strengthening the connective tissue. It is also a good source of calcium making it perfect for vegan diet. Getting enough calcium also maintains the body’s hormone balance by controlling hormone release.

 Controls Puffiness of the Eyes:If you are worried about eye puffiness then cucumbers can provide you with instant relief. The ascorbic acid and caffeic acid in cucumber brings down the water retention rate which in turn diminishes the swelling and puffiness around the yes.

 Reduces dark circles:Putting cucumber slices around the eyes also reduces the appearance of dark circles quickly. The abundance of antioxidants and silica within the cucumber can rejuvenate the skin and fade dark circles. Place 2 slices of cucumbers on the eyes and leave it for 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can also soak 2 cotton balls in cucumber juice and place them on your eyes.