Always and Forever 14

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Health in Winter

Winter effects and treatment by medicine and diet 

Usually Winter effects badly on human body.To cure  from these bad effects mineral compound should not be less in the body,including selenium,copper,zinc and manganese.In vitamins Vit A ,E,and C play vital role to remove the Winter effects.


Selenium               Garlic
Copper                  Gram
Zinc                       Fish,milk,peas
Vit E                      Sesame
Vit A                      Carrot
Vit C                      Orange, kinno,grapefruit

These all minerals and vitamins found in winter season fruits and vegetables.If we look at the old traditions in cold areas usage of fat increased in winter.People mostly use kinds of sweet including Lentils sweets,eggs sweets,carrot sweet,peanut,almond,walnut,honey,etc to meet the winter effects.From the medical point of view in peanut extra Quantity of proteins found who can maintain the nitrogen balance in the human body.Nuts are a big store of minerals.Example,in 100 grams of sesame about 1.5 grams calcium found.these minerals play vital role to maintain the ions balance in the body.To continue the body temperature Allah had produced much factors that who provide enough heat to the body according the Environmental requirement.In winter due to extra cool with digestive system,other systems become fast in their function and to maintain the body temperature need extra energy so to get extra energy need extra diet so rich diet is very important for human body.  

 Human clothes play important role to providing heat and saving in the body,by this reason in winter the usage of Coarse and Warm Clothes may increase.The houses keep hot but unfortunately in our countries the people do not have much education about healthy diet in winter,so by this plangency lot of diseases, Influenza,flu,cough,dryness,and infection-etc  may appeared to the peoples.

Let,s look what are the reasons of these diseases. The man become ill when his vital power became week and his acidic and hypo static balance disturbed,and ions balance do not maintain.

In winter the deficiency of iron accrued specially in women,for this, use of iron providing syrups is very necessary because this play very important role to produce thermo genesis in the body.In winter Vitamin C with iron syrup increase the benefits of each other.Due to zinc deficiency signs of dryness appear on skin and influenza and flu indicate to zinc deficiency.Human vital power also depends on zinc.So in winter, rich zinc fruits and nuts may use in enough quantity to provide power to fulfill the zinc deficiency and vital power.



In Russia Fedretion in high cold areas a special herb decoction named Eleutherococcussentisus is given to factory workers.In Russian language called this harb GinSing.After taking this decoction, worker do their work with good efficiency in cold season,otherwise without this decoction 80%workers fell ill and demand leave from factories.Gin Sing decoctions are taken in cool countries as a tea.Gin Sing tea also available in open market.In Asian countries tea is more popular because after taking tea human body system become more active.

Fenugreek decoction is best tonic to remove winter effects and also is precaution from winter effects.

Drinking honey in boiled water is a best tonic to prevent from winter effects,feeding honey to kids at night before sleep prevent them from Pneumonia.

Usage of dates in winter is beneficial to less the winter side effects.

Aniseseed tea often taken in Asian cold areas to meet the winter season.

In winter dryness appeared on skin,to cure this dryness compound of Glycerin and Rose-water is best lotion for this purpose,this lotion massage provides moisturize on skin.

Usage of peanut in winter fulfill the nitrogen deficiency and Proteins in the body and this diet mostly eaten all over the world.Peanut is i big store for Proteins but remember that some sweet must eat with peanut.

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