Always and Forever 14

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Depression And Mental Stress and Homeopathic Treatment

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Depression Mental Stress and Homeopathic Treatment

Depression and Mental stress is a part of human daily life. Although the causes and reasons of depression and worries  can may be different during work and private life. There are many simple ways to deal with them. 

To deal the depression and mental stress are many , some of them are under:


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One of the most important tasks to fight depression and mental stress is exercise. If you do regularly exercise, it will be more beneficial for you. Regardless of those who do not exercise regularly experience anxiety and some other, than persons who do exercise regularly. 
There are a few reasons for this. Du to exercise stress controlling hormones, such as cortecol, decrease over time. It helps endanger the endorsement. These improve the chemicals and work as a natural pan cleaner. Mental stress and anxiety put the bad affect on sleep, while exercising improves sleep quality. Regularly you feel qualified and trusted in exercise, which also improve mental health.

 Low Caffeine

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 Caffeine dynamic factor that is found in coffee, tea, chocolate and energy drinks. The more amount of Caffeine causes anxiety. The level of Caffeine tolerance in the people is vary  different . If you feel that nervous strain or anxiety is increasing due to excessive amount of caffeine, then reduce it. Although many investigations indicate that drinking coffee in moderate amounts is useful for health, but this is not true for everyone.

Fragrant Articles

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Some time fragrance and perfumed articles are useful to reduce the depression and mental stress.Using the oil obtained (vegetable oil) or burning fragrance candles helps reduce the stress of mental stress and anxiety. Some perfumes are particularly comforted. Here are some: 
Rose, lounder, Vetiver, Bago Goha, Romi Babunah, Neroli, Bukhari, Swinewood, Alingji, orange flower and Gul Shamani. 
Mode treatment through aroma is called aromathrap.Many investigations have shown that therapy is effective.


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 Many extra nutrients or supplemental minerals reduce mental stress and depression. Some of these commonly used spots are as follows: 

Lemon Bam It is related to the minutes of a family which reduces mental stress. 

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown by a research that the students of medical took omega-3, their concern was reduced by 20 percent. 

Green green tea contains polyethylene antioxidants whose positive effects are on the health. 

These reduce stress and depression by decreasing serotonine levels. It is believed that some supplemental minutes are not proposed with few medicines or their negative sub-effects can get out. It should be consulted with the doctor.


Another way to reduce depression mental stress is to write on it. Why you are feeling pressure you must write . You can write on any other topic like thankfulness. Writing on the positive aspects  of life as such success and way of success.

Chewing ham 

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Chewing beverage is a simple and quick way for get rid depression and mental stress. A research has shown that cholongs have more sense of satisfaction and less stress. One of the reasons for this is that chongsong creates similar waves that are in peace. According to another explanation, it improves the blood supply of the brain.

Help the others people

 Some times the help of friends and family helps the person to reduce the depression and mental stress in depressed times.

With the presence of friends, we are aware of our importance and are able to fight difficult and bad  times. An investigation on women has shown that by giving good time with friends and children, their body produces oxycassin that causes calmness.


All the factors of mental stress and depression are not in your control, but there are certain things in your control.  You must use that powers. Change the that factors and causes, you can change in your life. One way to say is "no". Doing this is particularly accurate when you take more than your power or ability. Say "No" to your unusual burden above.


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 The music calms the body. Blood pressure reduces blood pressure and heart failure. 
Natural sounds can also affect the same effect. 
Deep breath 
Anxiety stresses the nervous system and then the body gets the message to fight. This reaction produces the pressure hormones whose symptoms appear in heart beat and respiration, and blood vessels shrink. 
Deep breaths tend to give nervous system respiratory. Keep breathing focus on breathing slowly, breathing and deepening it. 

Homeopathic treatment of mental stress.

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1. Kali Phos
2. Beledona.
3. Gelsimium.
4. Arm Mate.
5. Argent Nitricum.
6. Arsenic album.
7. Cafia Croydia. 

All drugs are used according to symptoms. 

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