Always and Forever 14

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Why people get depressed

Do you know how many people across the world commit suicide on daily basis?
What are the key triggers for depression?
There are many reasons to be depressed like Insecurity, Nightmares, Nightmares, Grief, Broken Heart ( Love failures, insecurities of loved one leaving them ), Financial troubles, Unemployment. Poor Health & Chronic Diseases making them worry about their longevity. 
There may be many which is not in my above list.


Image result for Smoking and depression

Smoking has long been linked with depression, though it's a chicken-or-egg scenario: People who are depression-prone may be more likely to take up the habit. However, nicotine is known to affect neurotransmitter activity in the brain, resulting in higher levels of dopamine and serotonin

Thyroid disease

When the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone, it's known as hypothyroidism, and depression is one of its symptoms. This hormone is multi functional, but one of its main tasks is to act as a neurotransmitter and regulate serotonin levels.

Poor sleep habits, Insomnia, Schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease

It's no surprise that sleep deprivation can lead to irritability, but it could also increase the risk of depression. "If you don't sleep, you don't have time to replenish [brain cells], the brain stops functioning well, and one of the many factors that could lead to is depression
Birth control pills

Like any medication, the Pill can have side effects. Oral contraceptives contain a synthetic version of progesterone, which studies suggest can lead to depression in some women

Allopathic Drugs/Medications has great impact on depression. 

Depression is a side effect of many medications. For example, Accutane and its generic version (isotretinoin) are prescribed to clear up severe acne, but depression and suicidal thoughts are a potential risk for some people.

Depression is a possible side effect for anxiety and insomnia drugs, including Valium and Xanax; Lopressor, prescribed to treat high blood pressure; cholesterol-lowering drugs including Lipitor; and Premarin for menopausal symptoms.

In a 2010 study, researchers found that about 1.2% of people ages 16 to 51 spent an inordinate amount of time online, and that they had a higher rate of moderate to severe depression. However, the researchers noted that it is not clear if Internet overuse leads to depression or if depressed people are more likely to use the Internet.

Hormones are chemical messengers that control every organ in the body. Medical researchers have found that hormonal fluctuations, especially of estrogen levels, make women more susceptible to depression and low moods. The key thing is here is that estrogen and progesterone influence the production of serotonin. The serotonin is the neurotransmitter and one of the happy hormones apart from oxytocin.

Estrogen levels fluctuate and are more likely to become deficient at certain points of a woman's menstrual cycle and during phases of significant hormonal imbalance - puberty, pregnancy, post-partum, and menopause - which results in serotonin levels to decrease and a precipitation or a worsening of symptoms of depression. In this sense, we can say depression in women is strongly affected by the hormonal fluctuations during the changes women go through during their reproductive life.

How can we heal depression naturally?

Tryptophan is not synthesised in the human body and it is only available in the diet. As an essential amino acid, it is required for protein synthesis and as a precursor of key biomolecules such as serotonin, melatonin, tryptamine, niacin, quinolinic acid and kynurenic acid, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide etc. 
Adequate intake of this amino acid is crucial for growth and development in children and adults. 

Excessive dietary restriction and malnutrition decreases brain serotonin levels and leads to behavioral changes such as hyperactivity, depression, anxiety, suppression of appetite, anorexia nervosa, and behavioral impulsivity. 

Dietary supplementation of tryptophan may improve these disorders.

A natural food remedies

Cheese is another great source of tryptophan. 

The protein in eggs can significantly boost your blood plasma levels of tryptophan, according to recent research. 

All nuts: All nuts and seeds contain tryptophan.

It’s hard to go wrong with salmon, which as you may have guessed is also rich in tryptophan

 Sweet potato is best remedies for depression as it contain good amount of tryptophan.

A natural energy healing technique ( Reiki or Mexican Healing) 

We can easily heal all your hormones such as serotonin, estrogen, melatonin and oxytocin. Using powerful energy techniques the level of chemical or hormones can be balanced. It might take 1 week to heal all the neurons and brain system.

With the light therapy treatment you can heal all the depression hormones and even insomnia within a week

You can also powerful quartz crystal to heal your brain hormones and chemicals.

Wok-out, Yoga and Meditation are few other alternative therapy for the same.

If you live in coastal area of your country take a nice walk in the evening or early morning for 2 hours on daily basis.

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